Historical Timeline

  • National Education Association

    National Education Association
    The Committee of Ten ended this diversity by recommending that all high schools adopt a standard curriculum focused on academics no matter what their future plans (BeachSchool, 2015). This was a turning point because the committee finally created a High School curriculum. It allowed students to begin their studies and pave their way to college in the future. Allowing this to happen really set a foundation and paved the way for great people to one day run businesses.
  • National Education Association-Committee of 15

    National Education Association-Committee of 15
    Establishing a curriculum for elementary and secondary education was really important. The committee sought to increase the time spent on English language and Math thereby solidifying Grammar as the most predominant subject of the curriculum (Pinar, 1995). This was extremely important as it gave educators in the field a sense of what was expected and what they were to teach and most practices are still widely practiced today.
  • UWS-Normal School: Student Enrollment

    UWS-Normal School: Student Enrollment
    75 to 90 people were expected to enroll, but at 8:40 a.m. on the first day, approximately 150 people showed up to register (UW-Super, n.d). The creation of the first normal school was a important point in history. It allowed them to train future educators, which was an important event, by allowing education to start taking form. By training people to become teachers it started to open up doors for education and allowing teachers to teach children.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    This was an extremely important shift in time. It allowed both races to get an education and better themselves. They allowed the color to segregate in all white schools. As a result, the Court ruled that the plaintiffs were being “deprived of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the 14th Amendment (History.com Editors 2009).
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This act allowed there to be funding for education programs. During this time Head Start and Tilte 1 programs were introduced. Which is extremely important, because all students deserve equal opportunities to learn. Today it is important to be not just educated, but to receive continuous knowledge (Admin,2018). By having this is paved way for education opportunities for all not just some.