Brown vs Board of Education
In 1954 Brown ruled that segregation within the public schools was illegal, thereby ending as a matter of law segregation based on race. The Brown case determined that the "separate but equal" doctrine established by the court in Plessy v Ferguson. Brown ruling against segregation gave student of each race a chance to learn from a different set of peers. These students were taught on different learning styles.
www.fortelawgroup.com/history-special-education-important-landmark-cases/ -
P.A.R.C v Pennsylvania
PARC v Pennsylvania was a case that focused on the right to education. A statue required that all children perform to a certain level. A class action lawsuit was brought forward for children with mental retardation. I feel it was a great idea for PARC to build the case. All students deserve the right to learn not matter their mental status. They are just as capable as their peers.
www.fortelawgroup.com/history-special-education-important-landmark-cases/ -
Board of Education v Rowely
A case was built on behalf of Amy Rowley a deaf student, whose school refused to provide an interpreter. The court held that schools are not required to provide an interpreter to students receiving an equal education. When looking at special education we need to understand what at hand. Although Amy was receiving the same education as her peers and advancing.