
Events That Shaped Modern Day Education

  • Puritan Public Schools

    Puritan Public Schools
    This event is critical in the development of modern day education due to it providing the initial framework for schools. Puritan schools provided a common knowledge base and acted as a vessel to preserve the values of communities by region. We continue to use schools to preserve an area's history and culture, while also providing a common knowledge base.
    (The New England Primer photograph).
  • The Academy

    The Academy
    The creation of the Academy provided a foundation not only for modern day high school, but also for allowing women to access higher education. Academies created initial standards for teaching to be a career, not just a placeholder for a career. Although not known for educating on teaching principles, the Academy gave teachers an in depth knowledge base to provide to their pupils that was not seen before.
    (Puritan school painting).
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    This event is critical in the progress of modern day education due to children of color now having access to the same educational qualities as their white peers. This Supreme Court ruling acknowledged that children of color deserve the same opportunities as white children and that they had previously not had these opportunities. Public schools can no longer be segregated based on race in our country.
    (Nettie and Nickie Hunt on steps of Supreme Court building photograph).
  • Education For All Handicapped Children Act

    Education For All Handicapped Children Act
    When this act was established it created a stepping stone for the ever-evolving special education needs of modern education. This act provided the grounds that created knowledge and accommodation of children who need extra assistance in education. The most notable things that have been received through this act and its amendments are specially trained teachers and eventually Individual Education Plans.
    (Special education graphic image).
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This event created unreachable high standards for modern day students. It tied school funding to student achievement which put fear in teachers and administrators. It instituted an all or nothing attitude and took creativity and individuality out of the equation for students and teachers. It has molded modern education into a standardized test driven culture that affects students drastically.
    (George W. Bush signing the No Child Left Behind Act photograph).