Department of Education v. Katherine
*DOE of Hawaii thought it provided an eligible student a valid home based education alternative who is disabled. *Katherine's parents did not believe it was adequate and enrolled her in a private school. The ruling court found that the DOE's plan did not offer Katherine least restrictive environment possible and was not free appropriate public education as required by law. They were to pay for two years of her tuition. https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F2/727/809/390176/ -
Honig v. Doe
*Bill Honig, California Superintendent of Public Instruction wanted to suspend an emotionally disturbed student after an act of violence past the 5 days, indefinitely until the issue was resolved. *Doe, the emotionally disturbed student under IDEA qualified to 'stay put' in school while the issue was being resolved. The Supreme Court found that schools could not exclude students for more than 10 days, which is used to look for other accommodations. http://www.usedulaw.com/336-honig-v-doe.html -
Timother W. v. Rochester School District
*Timothy W. - Severely handicapped child whose parents petitioned the school district for educational services, but was denied by higher authorities.
*Rochester School District - Felt that Timothy was handicaps were so bad that he was not covered under IDEA, since he would not benefit from it. Higher courts found that since he qualified, he could not be denied services due to the severity of those handicaps. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Timothy-W-v-Rochester-New-Hampshire-School-District