Historical Timeline

By boyce19
  • Period: to

    Court Cases on Education

  • Brown vs. the Board of Education (1954)

    This educational case struck the nation, to stop segregation in public and in schools based on race. The equal rights protection in the fourteenth amendment was violated. This was the day that everyone was viewed as the same human being, instead of treated differently because the color of their skin. This created riots at first, but the end result now, is priceless everyone is treated equally.
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  • Engel v. Vitale

    This is a case that was initiated in 1962, the battle in this case was allowing students to pray in schools. The individuals fought, that this is their right under the first amendment. In schools today, individuals are aloud to take a moment of silence, meditate or pray. This gives everyone the right to exercise their own beliefs, which I think is important to have in our schools.
  • Bethel School District #43 v. Fraser

    This case was about a student making an announcement to the student body, and electing a student for the student council. The case was trying to fight that the student's speech was not accepted, and students should not speak in front of the student body. The student did not violate the first amendment. It is important for our students to be herd and have a freedom of speech. (https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/supreme-court-landmarks)