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Five Key Historical Events in Education

  • New England Puritans

    New England Puritans
    Image: (Gadwell, 2018).
    The Puritans are responsible for establishing the first foundations of the American education system. Their impact to education also included establishing an education system that believed education could "obliterate social lines" and allow rich and poor alike the opportunity to learn (Shipton, 1958, p. 228). Their belief that education should be equally available to economically disadvantaged and economically secure students continues in education today.
  • Normal Schools

    Normal Schools
    Photo: (Abdalian, 1929).
    The establishment of the first normal school is impactful to education because it was the first school created with the express purpose of formally training teachers. This began the true study of how to be an effective teacher. Normal schools began the expectation that aspiring educators should achieve a certain level of quality before becoming a teacher (Levin, 2019). This has remained the expectation for all teachers since.
  • Establishment of the National Teachers Association

    Establishment of the National Teachers Association
    Image: (The George Washington University, n.d.)
    The National Teachers Association later became known as the National Education Association, and was one of the first associations created for educators. This association is significant because they went on to make important changes to education such as helping design a standard for the public school curriculum (Films Media Group, 2006). They remain active today and continue to provide grants, tools and assistance to educators (About NEA).
  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

    Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
    Photo: (Mack, 2014).
    Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka ended segregation in schools. As a result of the case the percentage of southern black children in desegregated schools went up to roughly 90% by 1973 and continued to grow (Klarman, 2007, p. 124). This was an important step in providing students of all race the same educational opportunities, which is still a focus in education today.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Image: (EdReach, n.d.)
    The No Child Left Behind Act required specific changes in school requirements such as: accountability systems of states, establishing timelines for improving student achievement, and outlining specific sanctions for low-performing schools (Rhodes, 2012, p. 126). Therefore, this act is important to education because it holds schools and states responsible for maintaining a certain level of achievement for all students and created set learning goals.