The National Council of Women go public in favour of suffrage.
Most members were from Ottawa, and there main focus was aimed at improving conditions for women, families, and communities. They were doing this because the National Council of Women wanted to show the countrey that they were equil. They women wanted equil rights, diversity and a more fair countrey. This is because women were not concidered women so they were not giving any human rights. http://www.canada.com/news/Women+history+timeline/4367539/story.html -
women get the vote in manitoba .
Between the mounths January and April, all women in Manitoba over the age of 21 won the right to vote in provincial elections. Soon after the women of Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario also got the right to vote in there province. This has change from today because anyone over 18 that is a canadian citiczen can vote. In todays socioty this would violate the human right " the right to equality". -
Women over 21 get the right to vote in the federal elections.
All women over the age of 21 won the right to vote in federal elections. Women also won he right to vote in public elections.
in Nova Scotia the right to vote in public elections. This has change from today because anyone over 18 that is a canadian citiczen can vote. In todays socioty this would violate the human right " the right to equality". -
Women are givin the right to run for election to the House of Commons.
This the first year that all women (at least 21 years of age) were able to be elected into the House of Commons. and also get the right to vote in provincial elections in New Brunswick. This has change from today because anyone over 18 that is a canadian citiczen can vote. In todays socioty this would violate the human right " the right to equality". -
Agnes Macphail was the first woman to be elected into the House of Commons
Agnes Macphail was the first women voted into the house of commons by the people. http://www.elections.ca/res/eim/article_search/article.asp?id=108&lang=e&frmPageSize=10 -
Women get to vote in P.E.I
All women over the age of 21 were now alowed to vote in P.E.I. elections.
this would violate the human right " the right to equality".
This has change from today because anyone over 18 that is a canadian citiczen can vote. -
Women are allowed to divorce
The federal divorce law is changed allowing women for the first time to obtain a divorce on the same grounds as men. Before 1925 women were not alowed to divorce there husbands. The only way that women were able to end there relationship with a married man was for the man to divorce the women. Letting women get to divorce men gave them the Right to Equality and also the Right to Marriage and Family -
The Supreme Court of Canada quotes "women are not persons"
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that women are not "persons". This was the law. This violates the right to" the right to be recognized as a person before the law". -
Women are now people
Five canadian or "the famous five" brought their case to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in England and won. the famous five convinced the council that women are now concidered "persons" under the law. Now women won the right "to be reconized as a person before the law." and to this day women are still concidered a "person" -
Cairine Wilson is appointed to Senate.
Cairline Wilson was the women to ever be apointed to the senate. Up until this date, women appointed to senate was frowned apon and was concidered not right since women at this point were still not concidered "a person".This is signifacent because before this, women havnt ever been appointed to senate by the goverment. This showed that -
Continuity between 1910 and 1934
Even though canada has changed a few things in favor of women to improve their rights, Women still make less money and are steriotyped as "stay at home parents". The role of a women was to clean the house and make all meals for the family, while men went to work and war, women were to continue to do house work and if women were ever to get a job they would get the short end of the stick. If women wanted to be a docter hthey would be placed aa a nurse.