Sep 5, 1440
Printing press
Joann Gutenburg invented the printing press. Which made books cheaper, and more available. -
Period: Jan 1, 1450 to
Renaissance to Present Day
Nov 10, 1483
Martin Luther
Martin Luther is born. He was a protestant, who based his philosophy on faith and skeptism. He did not believe in organized religion, which got others thinking. Going to church became less popular, and hurt the catholic churches revenue. -
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilei
Galileo is born. He invented the microscope. Also along with Descartes, came up with the scientific method, which is still used today. -
John Comenius
John Comenius is born. He was often called the father of modern education. He was an advocate for universal education. -
Rene Descartes
Rene Descartes is born. He was said to be the Father of Modern Philosophy. -
John Locke
John Locke is born. John Locke believed that children are born with a blank slate, (tabula rosa). Meaning that children are not born with knowledge, or preconceived notions. They learn from their environment. -
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau is born. Rousseau believed that human beings were basically good by nature, but corrupted by historical events. -
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi is born. Pestalozzi's philosophy of education was based on a four-sphere concept of life. 1. Home and Family. 2. Vocational and individual self determination. 3. State and Nation. 4 Inner Sense. -
Fredrick Froebel
Fredrick Wilhelm Froebel is born. Froebel was called the father of kindergarten. He believed in self-activity, and Play as essential factors in children's education. -
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud is bron. Freud is know as the father of psychology. -
John Dewey
John Dewey is born. Dewey believed that universal education, could train men to break through habit, into creative thought. -
Alfred Adler
Alfred Adler is born. Adler believed each person is primarily a social being who needs to attain group membership. -
Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori is born. She believed that children should not be treated as receptors of knowledge from the teacher, but should be leaders of their own learning. -
Jean Piaget
Jean piaget is born. Piaget's theory relies on both maturational and evironmental factors. It is called maturational because it sets out a sequence of cognitive stages that are governed by heredity. It is environmental because the experiences children have will directly influence how they develop. -
Lev Vygotsky
Lev Vygotsky is born. Vygotsky looked at the way children's development is influenced by their culture. Social and cognitive development are interactive and language influences learning. -
Erik Erikson
Erik Erikson is born. Erikson believed that we develop in a pre-determined unfolding of our personalities, in eight stages. -
B.F. Skinner
Burrhus Frederic is born. Skinner created the doctrine of the "empty organism". Thta means a person is like a vessel to be filled, by carefully designed experiences. Skinner also believed that there was no behavior that could not be modified. -
Abraham Maslow
Abraham Maslow is born. He believed in the hierarchy of needs. meaning that before learning could take place, basic needs such as: food, shelter, clothing, safety. Must be met first. -
Urie Brofenbrenner
Urie Brofenbrenner is born. Brofenbrenner's theory says that children can be understood only within the context of their relationships to family, peers, the community, their culture, the society and the time in which they live. -
Albert Bandura
Albert Bandura is born. Bandura emphasizes that social variables determine a child's behaviors, and children are active participants in their development. -
Howard Gardener
Howard Gradner is born. Gardner believed in multiple intelligences. Gardner's argument is whether intelligence is a single, broad ability or is a set of specific abilities. -
John B. Watson
John B. Watson is born. Watson believed that he could shape a person's entire life by controlling exactly the events of an infant's first year. One of his ideas was to discourage emotional ties between parents and children, because they interferred with the child's direct learning from the environment. -
Head Start Program
Head Start was originally conceived as a catch-up summer program, that would teach low-income children. -
Head Start
Head Start was Established to serve children from Birth to four years of age. -
No Child Left Behind
Law to improve the learning gap
School districts only hire Highly Qualified Teachers
Criticized for being under-funded.