Early 1960 Special Education
1950-1960: the federal Government, with the strong support and advocacy of family associations, began to develop and validate practices for children with disabilities and their families. -
1975 IDEA becomes a law
In 1975 IDEA is passed as law- by congress. -
Public Law 94-142
1976-77 school year, 3,694,000 students 3-21 were served under the EHA law. -
Public law 94-142
November 29, 1975 President General Ford signed into law the education for all the handicapped children acts or best known for EHA. -
1983: EHA gets revise
Us supreme court addressed for the first time, what us meant by a free appropriate public education under EHA. In Hendrick Hunsdon Dist.BD. of ED v Rowley, the supreme court concluded that to provide FAPE the school district must provide access to specialized instructions and related services which are individually designed to provide educational benefits to the child with disability. -
ADA becomes law 1990
ADA becomes a law ( Americans with disabilities is passed) by congress. -
2000-2010 IDEA gets revise:
2004 , the IDEA reauthorization aligned the IDEA with the No, Child Left behind Act requirements. -
The department issued regulations it determined were needed to clarify and strengthen effective implementation and administration of IDEA. -
2016: Equity in IDEA
The department of education revised the regulations in 2016 with the goal of promoting equity under IDEA.