Historical Perspectives 1850 to 1890

  • Dreams of shaping Society

    Dreams of shaping Society
    The Puritans who colonized New England came to built a new society where they could freely practice their religions.
  • The Crisis of Slavery

    The Crisis of Slavery
    Approximately 88 percent of Africans were slaves and forced to work for others.
  • A historic Convention

    A historic Convention
    The right to vote for all was limited and women had no rights.
  • A Nation Comes of Age

    A Nation Comes of Age
    The United States grew from a largely agricultural
    the society into a modern industrial giant
  • Civil Ware

    Civil Ware
    Abraham Lincon was elected president and one year later the Civil War started between North and South.
  • Expansion of Progress

    Expansion of Progress
    After the war, the country continued to grow at a furious pace.
  • Reform Movements

    Reform Movements
    Others activist pushed forward reforms of the justice system, leading to the development of the modern prision
  • The Movemento for Wome´s Rights

    The Movemento for Wome´s Rights
    Reformers as Stanton, Mott, and Susan B. campaigned vigorously for woman´s rights.
  • A legacy of Protest

    A legacy of Protest
    The issue pf power and change raise during the period wer not resolved once and for all, however.
  • Social Progress

    Social Progress
    they gave women the right to own property but the spouses had the right to share it too.