Historical Perspective of the Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program (VPK)

  • Head Start was created

    Head Start was created
    Head Start is a program of the United States Department of Health and Human Services that provides comprehensive early childhood education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to low-income children and their families
  • State Migrant Prekindergarten Program

    Florida created a Migrant Prekindergarten program
  • Florida Prekindergarten Early Intervention program

    This program was to serve low income three and four year olds
  • School Readiness Act

    School Readiness Act
    The Florida Legislature passed the School Readiness Act. This act was to create a more cohesive, efficient, and integrated school readiness system. This will increase children's chances to obtain better education hence a better future.
  • Florida Partnership for School Readiness

    A state-level governing board was created to coordinate state wide efforts
  • Florida Voters Approval for a Prekindergarten Program

    Florida Voters Approval for a Prekindergarten Program
    Voters approved w 58% of the votes for a high quality prekindergarten program to be available to all 4 year old in the state
  • Advisory Council

    The State Board of Education (SBE) stablished this council to make recommendation in the creation of state wide preschool program. This council was stablished under Governor Jeb Bush.
  • Pre-K bill was vetoed

    Pre-K bill was vetoed
    Governor Jeb Bush vetoed the Pre-k bill, stating that it did not meet quality standards
  • Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program (VPK)

    Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program (VPK)
    In a special session the Florida Legislature was passed creating the VPK program