Historical Novel

  • Book: Marie-Laure

    Marie-Laure got blind at age of 6 years old.
  • Germany: Hitlers power

    Germany: Hitlers power
    The time that Hitler began to have power over Germany.
  • Germany: world war one

    Germany: world war one
    The treaty of Versailles ends world war one
  • Germany: Nazis

    Germany: Nazis
    The Nazi group tried an armed rebellion which was unsuccessful by Adolf Hitler
  • World: The Great Depression

    World: The Great Depression
    The time period where the United states was suffering in economy and had a lot of people living in streets with no jobs and hard to get food.
  • Book: Students of Germany

    Students torture and kill prisoners in werner's school
  • World: Presidential Elections in U.S.

    World: Presidential Elections in U.S.
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president of the united states and defeated Herbert Hoover.
  • Germany: Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler started the massacre of the Jews and was causing people to be scared.
  • World: Russia

    World: Russia
    The police of Russia was told to not let peasants look for food at night which would cause them to die of hunger.
  • Book: Military

    Werner is forced to join the military
  • world: Spain

    world: Spain
    Spain had the civil war in between the Democratic and the communist parties.
  • Book: Death of an important person

    Madame Manec dies of illness and she is the one that took care of Marie Laure.
  • Book: France attacks Germany

    France attacked a German truck in German territory. (Pg. 291).
  • Book: Capture

    Werner was captured by the French and was kept by them.
  • Germany: world war 2

    Germany: world war 2
    Germany invades poland and it caused the war called world war 2 begin
  • Book: Germany invades France

    Germany invaded France, which caused Marie Laure to flee saint malo.(pg.74).
  • Book: American Blast

    Etienne survived an American shell blast (pg.474).
  • Book: Freedom

    Werner is freed and sent back to Germany but died of illness.
  • Germany: Hitlers Death

    Adolf Hitler committed suicide because he was capture by the soldiers fighting against him
  • Germany: East and West Split

    the East of Germany was a Democratic republic government and the West of Germany was a Communist government.
  • Germany: west Germany

    The west Germany was taken over by the other side of Germany but was able to get the freedom from them
  • Germany: Berlin Wall

    Germany: Berlin Wall
    The wall that divided the the west and the east of Germany which were in conflict.
  • World: Algerian war

    World: Algerian war
    8 years of war in between France and Algeria so that Algeria could get independence in which they won the war and got independence.
  • Germany: End of the wall

    The Berlin wall was taken down and the people were able to travel east and west of Germany.
  • Germany: East and West back together

    Both of the side East and West came to an agreement which made them be one country only.