Historical Note

By grant2j
  • Discovery

    Uranium triggered a great excitement in science. Had the most protons of any know element. By the end of 1934 a team began to investigate neutron-induced uranium decay.
  • Investigating

    nuclear investigators in both fields had collaborated to provide a stunning explanation of uranium.
  • Unexpected finding

    It was believed that elements beyond U would correspondingly resemble other elements. Hahn was sure of the chemical evidence of transuranes.
  • Meitners Exile

    Political situation in Germany had become dangerous. Because she was Jewish she had to flee.
  • A shocking Discovery

    Barium appeared to be a result of neutron bombardment of uranium.
  • Nobel Prize

    Hahn won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for the discovery of the unexpected phenomenon.
  • Lise Meitner

    Since she was Jewish and the politics at the time she was not well recognized of her findings until after her death.