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Historical moments of Robotics

  • 4 BCE

    Ancient Greece (4th Century BC)

    Ancient Greece (4th Century BC)
    The first concepts of automatons. Greek philosopher Aristotle mentions automatic devices in his writings, while Hero of Alexandria designed simple machines powered by steam.
  • 1300

    Middle Ages (13th Century)

    Middle Ages (13th Century)
    The first mechanical clocks and automatons are created, such as the astronomical clock of Strasbourg in Europe. Arab inventors, like Al-Jazari, also developed automatic devices.
  • Three Laws of Robotics

    Three Laws of Robotics
    Isaac Asimov introduces the “Three Laws of Robotics” in his short story “Runaround,” establishing ethical principles for intelligent machines.
  • The first industrial robot

    The first industrial robot
    The first industrial robot is patented by George Devol. This robot, called Unimate, would be used in the automotive industry to handle heavy objects.
  • The first industrial robot Unimate

    The first industrial robot Unimate
    The first industrial robot, Unimate, is installed at a General Motors plant, marking the beginning of modern industrial automation.
  • Honda begins developing ASIMO

    Honda begins developing ASIMO
    The robotics industry grows rapidly, with robots being introduced in factories and advances in mobile robotics. Honda begins developing ASIMO, one of the first advanced humanoid robots.
  • The first robot to explore Mars

    The first robot to explore Mars
    NASA’s Sojourner rover becomes the first robot to explore Mars, a significant milestone in space robotics.
  • Significant advances in artificial intelligence (AI)

    Significant advances in artificial intelligence (AI)
    Significant advances in artificial intelligence (AI) allow robots to perform more complex tasks and adapt to unpredictable environments. Companies like Boston Dynamics create robots capable of running, jumping, and overcoming obstacles.
  • Robotics and AI continue to merge

    Robotics and AI continue to merge
    Robotics and AI continue to merge, with robots in sectors such as healthcare, space exploration, and caregiving.