Historical Moments in Time

  • 1 CE

    The Big Bang

    The Big Bang
    13.8 billion years ago the big bang happened, this was the start of what we call Earth. The big bang was created by extremely dense points exploding with unimaginable force, creating matter and propelling it outward to make the billions of galaxies of our vast universe.
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    The Extinction Of Dinosaurs (66 million years ago)

    The Extinction Of Dinosaurs (66 million years ago)
    The creatures that roamed the Earth for almost 165 million years were killed by what we think was a meteor. This meteor wiped out most animals, especially the dinosaurs, causing their extinction.
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    The First Homo Sapiens (300,000 Years Ago)

    The First Homo Sapiens (300,000 Years Ago)
    The first homo sapiens, or humans, started to appear around 300,000 years ago. This is the start of how we would shape earth today, and how we learned how to hunt and find shelter.
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    The First Animal Domestication (11,000-9,000 BC)

    The First Animal Domestication (11,000-9,000 BC)
    The first animal domestication was known to be a sheep, where they were given food that was used to breed and make food for the humans. After the sheep, goats would follow in the sheep's trail 2,000 years after.
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    Beginning of Christianity (30 AD)

    Beginning of Christianity (30 AD)
    The Ministry of Christ (or Christianity as you know) began after Jesus's death. This religion would become the most popular religion in the world to this day. This religion was known to have become what it is today when the angel Gabriel came to speak to Mary.
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    The Creation Of Gunpowder (904 AD)

    The Creation Of Gunpowder (904 AD)
    The creation of gunpowder would help and hurt our society as it would lead to guns and weapons causing violence. As it can be used as a tool, I don't think that humanity was ready for it. Gunpowder can be used for bombs for mines to make it easier to find materials, it can be also used for guns in wars.
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    The Black Death (1346)

    The Black Death (1346)
    This was one of the biggest pandemics that Earth has ever had, killed over 25 million people were killed by this pandemic. This was started because people were going to the washroom in the middle of the road and animals would spread diseases to other people. In 1346 people didn't have the type of technology we have now so they didn't know what is was while it was happening.
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    The Creation Of Schools (1832)

    The Creation Of Schools (1832)
    The first school was made in 1832 and started new education systems providing kids better opportunities to apply for jobs and other things in life. When they first came out they were a lot different than they are now, they didn't have the same lighting because they haven't made the lightbulb yet so they had to use candles.
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    The First Phone (1876)

    The First Phone (1876)
    When the first phone was made it changes the world a lot, people could call their friends too far away to walk to like their neighbours. Before they made phones it meant that people could tell people about their days way faster than waiting 10 days to receive a letter.
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    The Beginning Of Electricity (1879)

    The Beginning Of Electricity (1879)
    This was one of the biggest discoveries as it would help us make the internet and helping us what we know as now games and making all these apps we use today. These were a huge help in the evolution of lighting because before they invented a lightbulb they had to use candles that smelt bad and burnt out if it was windy.
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    The First Car (1886)

    The First Car (1886)
    The first car was made in 1886 by many inventors including Karl Benz, Alexander Wilton, Elmer Berger, and many more. This would change the world of transportation and the time or places people could go in less time than a horse.
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    World War 1 / The Great War (1914-1918)

    World War 1 / The Great War (1914-1918)
    This was the first war of two, this war lasted 4 years and over 21 million people. This was way less than WW2 which we will go deeper in the next slide. This war started in Sarajevo, Bosnia and ended in 1918 in France.
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    World War 2 (1939-1945)

    World War 2 (1939-1945)
    This was the second and most devastating war the world has ever seen, this one was started when Adolf Hitler invaded Poland starting the war. This war killed over 75 million people died over the span of 6 years.
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    First People On The Moon (1969)

    First People On The Moon (1969)
    This was the biggest discovery for people of the world because it showed that it was possible to travel in space to other planets or moons. The first person to step on the moon was Neil Armstrong in 1969.
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    COVID-19 (2021)

    COVID-19 (2021)
    This is one of the biggest pandemics in the world and it is still going on in the world, it originated from China Wuhan. This pandemic has killed over 3.7 million people over the span of almost 2 years. This isn't as bad as the Black Death but a lot of families and friends have lost a love one during this time.