Indian Complaints of Settlers
The Natives had major complaints gainst the new settlers in their land. The settlers came and took away the Natives' way of life without even a second thought. This idea plays into modern day immigration because we feel we have the "right" to the land. -
Racial Hierarchy
Benjamin Franklin created this idea that race was unequal. He put white people on the top and blacks on the bottom. The other races fell somewhere in between. This idea was used around the world, creating a social divide that would last for generations. -
Alien Naturalization Act
This Act established that only white immigrants of "good moral character" would be allowed to immigrate to the United States. -
Importation of Slaves Banned
This act banned the importation of African slaves into the United States. It was not strictly enforced however and slavery continued until the end of the Civil War. -
Irish Potato Famine
A major famine swept arcoss Ireland, forcing many people to immigrate to the United States. They were not welcomed however and received poor treatment. This played into the racial hierarchy. -
Transcontinental Railroad
Mainly Irish and Chinese immigrants worked on building the railroad that streched from coast to coast. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
This Act was intended to ban Chinese immigrants from the United States. The Act was meant to last ten years. -
Expatriation Act
This act made it so that American women who married an illegal immigrant lost their citizenship. It greatly decresed the amount of marriages for citizenship. -
Immigration Act of 1917
This act stated that immigrants must take a literacy test to become a legal citizen. -
This offered Puerto Ricans citizenship if they agreed to join the United States military. -
Emergency Quota Act
This act limited immigration to three percent of what it was during the 1920s. -
Immigration and Reform Control Act
This act made it illegal to hire an illegal alien in the United States. -
Illegal Immigration and Immigrant Responsibility Act
This act strengthened border enforement and control. It also stated that if an individual was not a legal citizen, they could not receive benefits. -
Patriot Act
The government created a Homeland Security Department after the 9/11 attacks. This act required people to carry a passport when entering or exiting the country. -
Arizona SB 1070
This new law made it so law enforcement could ask a suspected illegal immigrant for citizenship documentation. It also made crossing the border illegally a criminal offense.