Historical History Timeline of the Historical History of History

  • Oct 12, 1492

    The Discovery of America by Columbus

  • The Settlement of Jamestown

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    The French and Indian War

  • The Boston Tea Party

    Your tea which you hurled in the sea when you see me go by
  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord

  • The Declaration of Independance

    Makes me want to listen to 1776 the musical
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    The Battle of Yorktown

    I can hear Hamilton singing from here...
  • Period: to

    The Constitutional Convention

    I was chosen for the constitutional convention!
  • The Invention of the Cotton Gin

  • The Alien and Sedition Act

  • The Louisiana Purchase

  • The Invention of the Electric Light

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    The War of 1812

  • The Missouri Compromise

  • Andrew Jackson’s Election

    Populism Yea Yea
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    The Trail of Tears

    Makes me want to listen to Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson the musical
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    The Invention of the Telegraph

    Morse began working on it in 1832 and patented it in 1837 before sending it to congress in 1838
  • The Panic of 1837

    Ended mid 1840s
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    The Mexican-American War

    April 1846 - Feb. 1848
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    The Invention of the Telephone

    First basic phone was invented in 1849 the first U.S. patent was awarded in 1876
  • The Compromise of 1850

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    The Firing on Fort Sumter

  • The Emancipation Proclamation

  • The Reconstruction Ammendments

    13th, 14th, 15th Amendments
  • The Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse

  • Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination

    Now this makes me want to listen to Assassins the Musical
  • Andrew Johnson’s Impeachment

  • The Organization of Standard Oil Trust

  • The Homestead Strike

  • The Pullman Strike

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    The Spanish-American War

  • Theodore Roosevelt Became President

  • The Invention of the Airplane

    This was the first flight but it had been worked on for a while