Historical German Events

  • Jan 1, 1440

    The German Printing Press

    The German Printing Press
    (Picture found at historyofjournalism.onamazon.com) The German printing press, made in 1440 (no month or day found) made the jobs of authors and writers in the newspaper easier, by using this machine very few or none of the author or writers books or sections were done by hand.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1440 to

    Geman Events

  • World War I

    World War I
    (Picture found at vanburendistrict.blogspot.com) World War I is one of the most famous wars in history when Germany started to attack other people when the German empire took over and invaded places such as France.
  • The Nazi's Win Elections

    The Nazi's Win Elections
    (Picture found at en.wikipedia.org) (month and day not found) during 1933, the Nazi party started to win elections and got many seats, once getting 230 seats. When the Nazis won more and more elections Adolf Hitler came to power and lead into WWII.
  • Car Origination

    Car Origination
    (Picture found atautomotivecycle.com)(month and day not found) from 1934-1950 popular cars such as Porsche and Volkswagen originated in Germany. Many famous people use these cars recommending them to other people.
  • World War II

    World War II
    (Picture found at enwikipedia.org) from 1939-45, World War II is another one of the most famous wars in history, taking impact on almost everyone on earth. Hitler led the German army into an invasion of Poland enslaving many Jewish people.
  • Germany Divides

    Germany Divides
    (Picture found at chandlerspace.wikispaces.com) (no month or day found) it was decided by the allies of the conferences that Germany should be divided into East and West to prevent threats of war on world peace. The Germans on the East and West side of Germany did not like the separation, as it forced them to stay in one area and not be free to the other side.
  • The Berlin Wall Is Created

    The Berlin Wall Is Created
    (Picture found at berlinermanuer.se) The Berlin Wall was a big part in separating East and West Germany. While being guarded by tower guards, many people tried to get over the wall but fail, making it even harder to earn their freedom to the other side.
  • The Berlin Wall Is Destroyed

    The Berlin Wall Is Destroyed
    (Picture found at propagander2.tripod.com) the government later decided that Germany needed to be unified as one country, not two separate parts of a large land. Taking from Nov. 11th to 12th to tear down, the Berlin Wall was finally done for, giving the East and West parts of Germany Freedom.
  • Gemany Is One

    Gemany Is One
    (Picture found at gulaghistory.org) East and West Germany had a huge celebration to celebrate their freedom. All the people could now be free to any part of Germany, unifying their land.
  • Germany Has a Financial Crisis

    Germany Has a Financial Crisis
    (Picture found at nes.bbc.co.uk) (no month or day found) Germany hit a big financial crisis, shortening their money usage which had the government mad for losing money. The people were losing money from their country shortening the usage, bank accounts, and trust in the government.