how it all started
it started with a 25,000 dollar bet. soe people said that a galloping horse had all 4 legs off the ground, but others said that is imposible.so they took a picture of a galloping horse running and all 4 legs did come off the ground. -
how it started
moving pictures was created,but it only had an audience of one cause it only had a peephole -
how it started
thomas edison liked the fact that only one person could see through a kinetoscope at a time, he was also making a bit of money selling them too. -
how it started
the lumiere brothers in france who first did what thomas edison initially didnt want to do, make a projector for an audience. 1895 they make 30 second movies. -
how it started
during this time vaudiville was quite popular. in 1900s vaudiville turned into nickelodeon -
how it started
nickelodeons were small front type theaters -
how it started
edwin porter, employee of thomas edison created the first film ever called the train robbery. -
how it started
by 1910 nickelodeon theaters attracted more than 26 million people and 5 years later it doubled the amount of people. -
the earlier days
led by thomas edison several companies formed a trust called motion picture patents company. -
the earlier days
films were shot on the east coast of the united states were the film buisness originated