Celluoid film was invented
An archaeologist that goes by the name of William H. Fox Talbot, created a paper that was sensitive to light by submerging it in a solution of salt and silver nitrate. Its also considered the first thermoplastic. -
Kinematoscope was invented
Was patented by Coleman Sellers as an improvement in exhibiting stereoscopic pictures. It worked by hand cranking the handle to roll a number of still pictures on glass plates that was mounted in in a cabinet-box. -
The invention of the Praxinoscope
The Praxinoscope was made by a guy named Charles Emilie Raynuad, a Paris science teacher. It became a great commercial success and won recongnition at the great exhibitions of that period. Also Charles marked all of his examples "E.R.". -
Chronophotographic Gun
Etienne-Jules Marey invented the first chronophotographic gun in 1882, which was capable of taking 12 consecutive frames a second, while recording all the frames on the same picture. Etienne-Jules mainly used his device for studying animals and human locomotion. -
First successful photographs of motion
Created by an English photographer that goes by the name of Eadweard Muybridge. He produced motion pictures of o animals and humans move, leading to a productive period in the 1880s. -
The first motion picture camera
Invented in the 1880s, while Frenchman Louis Le Prince had been inspired by Muybridge's pioneering experiments. In 1887 he patented his first invention, a 16-lensed camera. -
The Pleograph
Another camera invented by Polish emigre Kazimierz Proszynski in 1894. It also doubled up as a projector. Using an improved pleograph, Proszynski shot short films showing scenes of life in Warsaw -
The Phantoscope
Created by Charles Francis Jenkins, he projected the first motion picture before an audience in his hometown of Richmond, Indiana on June 6. A guy named Thomas Armat provided the financial backing for necessary modifications for Charles invention. -
The development of the Kinetoscope
Thomas Edison created the kinetoscope in hopes of boosting his sales and make more profit, but unfortunately he could not match sound with the video. Instead he directed the device to be a device to see motion without sound. -
Color motion picture
Edward Raymond Turner developed the first color motion picture system while working for Charles Urban. Turner's camera used a rotating disk of three colour filters to photograph colour separations on one roll of black and white film. When Turner died in 1903, Urban passed on the development process to George Albert Smith. -
The first type of indoor exhibition space created for showing projected motion pictures. John P. Harris and Harry David opened a theatre and called it nickelodeon. The admission was only 5 cents. -
Dr. Herbert Kalmus, Dr. Daniel Comstock, and mechanic W. Burton Wescott developed a subtractive color print process for Technicolor. The camera had only one lens but used a beam splitter that allowed red and green-filtered images to be photographed simultaneously.