kinetoscope parlor
when the principle of creating the motion from a series of still images was realized, devices were invented so that people could watch moving images -
the peephole kinetoscope
thomas edisons invented the peephole to show the moving images but also so that only one person could see and so he could make more money -
the lumiere brothers in france created a projector so that an audience could watch the movie. they called it cinematographe they made movie like man falling off a hores and a child trying to catch a fish in a fishbowl -
vaudeville expanded to nickelodeons
vaudevlle was really popular at this time. in order to get one up on the competition and fill in time between acts. -
the great train robbery
the great train robbery is the 1st us narrative. it was 12 min long. it was saud to be an epic -
in 1910 they were attracting 26 million veiwers each week. in 5 years it more than doubled. the popularity of film soon attracked peolple who wanted big profits -
motion picture patents commpany. the plan was to controll things like production of raw film stock, projection equipment and film distribution and exhibition and almost every thing in motion picture industry -
most films were made made in the west coast because there were far away from the mppc and because if the mppc came they were close to mexico so they could keep there stuff -
walk of fame
mppc did not want to pay because they feared theywould become more popular and want more money