Eadward Muybridge
Eadward Muybridge proposed, to some of his friends, that a horse running at full speed has a point when all of his hooves do not touch the ground. His comrades did not think that was right and they laughed at him for sayin something so dumb. Muybridge proved his theory and won the bet with a row of 12 cameras that captured the horse piece by piece. -
Vaudeville is a small theater that features short dramatic skits. It was majorly popular in United States and Canada. About 30 second skit forr each act. Evolved to Nickelodeons. -
A small indoor space that shows short frojected films. Usually costed only a nickel, which created the name. It was first used by a diner in Massachusetts. -
Thomas Edison and Muybridge gave a presentation about a device that projects images in a sequential order, one after another. The Zoopraxiscope gives the illusion of moving pictures. This device leads to the proposal of the Kinetoscope. -
The Kinetoscope is a machine you stand behind, while it is being cranked, it creates moving pictures for and audience of one to see. Thomas Edison assigned another man to do the job of actually creating the kinetoscope, but would soon take the credit for himself. Edison also wanted to keep it to an audience of one so he will profit more off of it. -
Cinèmatography is the art of making motion pictures. The Lumière Brothers pioneered moving snapshots and created short films. They applied for a patent of cinematography in English. -
The First Film
The Great Train Robbery,by Thomas Edison and Edwin Porter. The movie was only 12 minutes long. It was a popular and commercially successful film. -
Motion Picture Patents Company was a part of all major American Film companies. Run by Thomas Edison the MPPC controlled raw film, projection equipment, everything you need to make a movie. They made money off of lending these tools to the people who want to make movies and take all their credit and profit. -
First Hollywood Studio
Nestor Studios is hollywood's first movie studio. It was originally founded in New Jersy by the Horsley Brothers. They worked with Al Christie who supervised its operations in southern California. -
Warner Bros. was Established
Warner Bros. is one of the most respected and successful motion picture and television studios in the world. It all began when the brothers, Albert, Sam, Harry and Jack L., incorporated their movie company. They are currently the global leader in all forms of entertainment. -
Most Famous Image of the Silent Era
Harold Lloyd a young man hung from the minute hand of an large clock, twelve stories above a city street. He climbed up by himself. This timeless scene continues to make time stand still for movie fans. -
The Jazz Singer
The Jazz Singer is a Americal musical picture with dialouge. It was directed be Alan Crosland and produced by Warner Bros. This movie started a picture talking revolution.