Horse Gallop Bet
There was a $25,000 placed in 1877 on whether or not a horse has all of it's hooves off the ground at a point during it's stride. A succcesion of photos were taken very quickly to give the illusion of motion to the eye. It was quite clear that the horse lifted all of t's feet off the ground whilst running, but this was a landmark experiment that is considered to have kicked off the beginings of film. -
Period: to
Charlie Chaplin
Though he rose to fame during the silent era, he retained his fame and wit through the development of Hollywood as we know it today. Although he was comically famous, he was quite intelligent and skilled in dramatic acting. (see The Great Dictator) He died Christmas Day. -
Creation of the Kinetiscope
(Patented b Edison in 1897) The Kinetiscope could recreate the illusion of motion through quickly showing images without sound, but was limited to audiences of 1 due to the narrow peephole one would look through to see the images. It's design limited the length of film to (typically) less than 60 seconds. -
The Lumieres Brothers and their Cinematograph
The Lumieres brothers took cinema a step further by creating a projector of moving images called the Cinomatograph. Along with their invention, they produced a stringof short films. Most were less than 60 seconds and featured mundane events, like falling off a horse or someone tryig to catch a fish in a fishbowl. They kept it humorous. -
As film gained popularity, many already-established vaudeville theatres began expanding into Nickelodeons. The goal of ths was to offer a unique 'half-time' entertaiment between acts. Most of these heatres used cinematographs much like the Lumieres'. -
First U.S. Narrative Film
Created by Edwin Porter, (employee of Edison) 'The Great Train Robbery' was the first American film with a definite story/narrative. Composed of 14 scenes that lasted 12 minutes total. Considered a clssic. -
Founded by Edison, attepmted to create a monopoly in the film industry (rather succesfully). They held on to the East coast industry with an iron grip and used strong arm tactics to capture competition. Those who remained independant went West to California. -
Technicolor creation
Technicolor allowed the coloration of motion pictures as the film makers chose. It was greatly improved and flaunted over time, shown in such classics like 'Singin' in the Rain', 'The Wizard of Oz'. Originlly used heavily in animated features, due to their easily manipulated nature. -
Warner Bros. Founded
By the Wrner brothers, no less. They became one of the largest studios in Hollyood, and remain so today. They are still a subsidiary of Time Warner. -
Althought the first movie with synchronized sound was shown in Paris in 1900, it wasn't until 1923 that it became commonplace (or practical for that matter). There were many aspects to film that hadn't been thought of before sound became a factor, like finding a quiet place to film. Or findng actors with decent voices. -
Acadamy foundation
Known for their annual Acadamy awards (the Oscars) they consist of several thousand film professionals. Despite being american based, membership is open to te entire world's film professionals. They consider themselves the advancers of film and sciences related to it, despite their typically questionable taste. -
First Musical
'The Jazz Singer' was the first feature length musical, and was considered a success at the time. It should be noted that the use of black face in this movie is revolting and utterly ruins it's classic status. The Acadamy sent it to the classic annals, and for that, lost my resect. No justification of "You have to consider the times" will remove the long-dead level acceptability this 'classic' stoops down to. Acknowledge the movie, sure. But don't act like it's not offensive. -
First Noir movie
The Maltese Falcon was considered to be the first of the decade long string of movies calle dNoir.