Camera roll

Historical Film Events

  • Discovery of Motion Pictures

    Discovery of Motion Pictures
    In 1878 Eadweard Muybridge discovered motion pictures when he set out to prove a 25,000 dollar bet. He bet that when a horse is running at full speed, all four of their hooves are off the ground. They took pictures of a horse running and they not only proved his theory right, but they noticed that when you looked at the images really fast, it looked like the horse was actually moving.
  • Kinetoscope is Invented

    Kinetoscope is Invented
    In 1891, Thomas Edison and his company created the Kinetoscope. A Kinetoscope has a box like shape and is used to view motion pictures through a peephole. Only one person is able to view it at a time.
  • First Movie Theater

    First Movie Theater
    In 1895 they created what is known as a Kinetoscope Parlor. A Kinetoscope Parlor is one of the very first movie theaters. In consist of multiple Kinetoscopes that each can only be viewed by one person at a time.
  • The Creation of the Cinematographe

    The Creation of the Cinematographe
    Thomas Edison made a projector but hid it due to his belief that he would make more money selling the Kinetoscope. In 1895 the Lumiere brothers did what he wouldn't and made what they called the Cinematographe. The Cinematographe allowed motion pictures to be viewed by an audience.
  • Stop Motion in Vaudeville

    Stop Motion in Vaudeville
    Vaudeville are small theaters that show short dramatic skits, comedy routines, and song and dance members.They used motion pictures to fill in the time between short films. They also used it to get one up on the competition.
  • First U.S Narrative Film

    First U.S Narrative Film
    In 1903 Edwin Porter created the first ever U.S narrative film called, "The Great Train Robbery." It lasted 12 minutes, which was very long for their time period. Most shows in their time period lasted up to about 30 seconds or less, so this was a big accomplishment in the film industry.
  • Vaudeville Becomes Nickelodeon

    Vaudeville Becomes Nickelodeon
    In 1905 Vaudeville becomes Nickelodeon. Nickelodeons got their name due to the fact that you only had to pay one nickel to see a movie. Present day Nickelodeon got its name from this.
  • First Animated Cartoon

    First Animated Cartoon
    In 1906 the first ever animated cartoon was produced. It was called Humorous Phases of Funny Faces produced by J. Stuart Blackton. It was a silent cartoon that showed him drawing faces, and them coming to life.
  • Nickelodeon Theaters Skyrocket

    Nickelodeon Theaters Skyrocket
    In 1910 Nickelodeon had attracted over 26 million viewers each week. This number more than doubled over the course of 5 years. Its popularity attracted those seeing its potentially big profit.
  • Actors Receive Screen Credit

    Actors Receive Screen Credit
    In 1910 actors in America finally start to receive screen credit. This leads to the creation of film stars. Some famous actors in their time were Mary Pickford and Charlie Chaplin.
  • Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC)

    Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC)
    In 1915 Thomas Edison was the leader of the MPPC. This was his plan to control the motion picture industry. They raided independent film companies that tried to make films.
  • How California Became a Popular Film sight

    How California Became a Popular Film sight
    Shooting films outside on the East Coast was a challenge due to its gloomy weather. Plus with the MPPA on the loose making films was hard. To help fix these problems they moved out to California where it has nice weather and a quick escape from the MPPA control.
  • Warner Bros is Created

    Warner Bros is Created
    The entertainment company, Warner Bros, was created. The four Warner Bros who created it was Albert, Sam, Harry, and Jack. It is one of the major film studios.
  • Disney is Created

    Disney is Created
    On October 16,1923, in Los Angeles,CA , Disney was first created. The owner of Disney was the well renowned Walt Disney. Their first ever movie was, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," which was released in 1937
  • Black and White Television

    Black and White Television
    In 1927, Takayanagi improved the resolution in televisions and made them capable of seeing human faces in half tones. It became the norm for people in their time. They had many shows that consisted of black and white.
  • First Sound in Film

    First Sound in Film
    In 1927 sound was introduced into the film industry.They called movies that included sound, talkies. Jazz Singer was the first ever movie to include sound.
  • First Academy Awards Announced

    First Academy Awards Announced
    In 1929 the first ever Academy Awards occurred. It was hosted at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. Emil Jennings won the first ever award for Best Actor. It didn't take on the name Oscar for another few years.
  • The First Drive In Movie Theater

    The First Drive In Movie Theater
    In 1934 the first drive in movie theater was established in New Jersey, USA. A Drive In Movie theater consists of people parking their cars in front of a screen to watch a movie. This was invented by Richard Hollingshead.
  • Color Television

    Color Television
    On August 28, 1941 color television came into fruition. John Baird had created the first ever television capable of producing color. The first ever color TV sold was in 1953.
  • Toy Story Gives a New Perspective On Animation

    Toy Story Gives a New Perspective On Animation
    In 1995 Toy Story was released. It changed the game in animation by using a computer capable of storing digital characters,sets, and scenes so that animators didn't have to redraw it time after time again. This software was called RenderMan.