Historical fight between Israel, Libano and Palestine

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    Arab-Israeli War

    After the independence of Israel some arab countries like Egypt, Libano, Siria, or Irak attacked Israel, tyring to get the jewish people out of that territory.
    In the end Israel managed to win the war and also this conflict defiend the borders of the newly founded state
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    Six-Day War

    It was a fast war between Israel and a coalition of Arab States like Egypt, Jordan and Syria, which was due to tensions between the countries, and also the desire to acquire more territory. In the end Israel won, gaining power on the territory of Gaza, Cisjordania and East Jerusalen.
  • Munich Olypmic Masacre

    Black September, a fraction of a terrorist group of Palestine Liberation Organization, captured 11 members of Israel's olympic team and executed them.
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    First Intifada

    It was a group of protests made by the people in Palestine, since they weren't happy with Israel having control over Gaza strip, or Cisjordania, and that they weren't having political relations with the Palestinian state.
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    Second Intifada (Al-Aqsa intifada)

    It was a conflict between Palestenian terrorists and Israel security forces, consisting on protests, armed confrontations and even suicide bombing, it all started when the prime minister of Israel visited the Mosque of Al-Aqsa and De la Roca, which the Palestines saw as a provocation.