Period: to
Vieteiam war -
First combat mission
Operation Chopper: America's first combat missions against the Vietcong.
Operation Ranchhand: Objective to clear vegetation making it difficult for the Vietcong to ambush. US Military then Employs Agent Orange to expose roads and trails used by Vietcong forces -
Battle of Ap Bac
Battle of Ap Bac where the Vietcong defeat the South Vietnamese Army
President Kennedy Assassinated in Dallas and Lyndon B Johnson takes over the Presidency Buddhist monks start setting themselves on fire in public places tp protest
against the Diem government policy of removing Buddhists from key government
positions and replacing them with Catholics. Diem and his brother are murdered. The Diem regime is overthrown -
US army
Over 200,000 US troops are sent to Vietnam -
B-52s Bomb North Vietnam
President Johnson meets with South Vietnamese Premier Nguyen Cao Ky and his military advisors in Honolulu American protests against the US policy in Vietnam continue and students are joined by veterans in Anti-War Rallies -
Opration Cedar Falls
Operation Cedar Falls
The Iron Triangle of Vietcong tunnels is discovered -
Repulic of South Vietnam
Patrick gets into vietnam -
Hollywood bepop profesor -
Patrick and his sqaud get escorted abck to the cental control of the milltary base. They leave hill 881 -
Bunny holes
Since the attack of the base patrick and his base have been getting bomb out by the enmeny. That happens for about 3 mouths -
Patrick and his squad get attack leaving patrick crippled and all other sqaud mates dead -
returning home
patrick is sent home were he spends a few years recovring. -
Hollywood steps on a land mine and sadly dies -
The army pushes south and attacks a base