
Historical FFA events

  • Smith-Hughes Act Passed

    Smith-Hughes Act Passed
    A law that paved the way for major advancements in public vocational and technical education in the United States.
  • Future Farmers of America

    Future Farmers of America
    FFA was established
    The 1st convention was held in the Hotel Baltimore in Kansas City, Missouri
    The first dues were 10 cents
  • FFA creed was written by E.M Tiffany

    FFA creed was written by E.M Tiffany
    Creed wins the first National Public Speaking event
    New dress attire; dark blue shirt, blue or white pants, blue cap and yellow tie
  • FFA Jacket adopted as official dress.

    FFA Jacket adopted as official dress.
    1933 National FFA Convention in Kansas City, the members of Linter's chapter, Fredericktown FFA ,presented their blue jackets. They were so popular, the convention's official leaders made them part of the official FFA attire.
  • New Farmers of America

    New Farmers of America
    Founded in Tuskegee, Ala.David Simmons of Alabama is elected as the first national NFA president, there has now hit over 100,000 national NFA members.
  • National FFA Camp and Leadership Training School

    National FFA Camp and Leadership Training School
    In 1937 attention was brought to finally building a national FFA camp and leadership training school in Washington, D.C.
  • Code of Ethics

    Code of Ethics
    Approval of the FFA Code of Ethics. The National Future Farmer newsletter releases its first copy.
  • First female to hold a national FFA office.

    First female to hold a national FFA office.
    Julie Smiley is elected, vice president, being the first female to hold an office. Right before Alaska becomes the last of the 50 states to obtain a national charter.
  • Girls were admitted to FFA.

    Girls were admitted to FFA.
    One of the national FFA officers proposed a vote to change the law to let girls to join at the Board of Directors meeting in July 1967.
  • First African-American elected to a national FFA office.

    First African-American elected to a national FFA office.
    Fred McClure, is elected national FFA secretary, becoming the organization's first African-American national officer.