Historical Events that Shaped Modern Day K-12 Public Education

By eogea
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    A unanimous ruling stated "separate but equal" was "inherently unequal." Segregating public school children based on race deprived minority children of equivalent educational opportunities. This hugely impacted K-12 learning because it has helped children see one race is not superior to the other. It has lessened racism for today's world. It has taught students to see each other as equal human beings. This event has allowed students to learn together and from on another.
    (Wade, 2009)
  • Education Free from Sex Discrimination, Evolution of Women in Education

    Education Free from Sex Discrimination, Evolution of Women in Education
    There are many years associated with the evolution of education for women. Girls didn't attend school so they could focus on household duties. When they did finally get to attend school, they weren't taught the same curriculum as boys. This has shaped K-12 learning because now women can do whatever they want versus what is expected by society. Everyone is receiving the same education regardless of gender. Little girls can become whomever they dream to be.
    (Hassan, n.d.)
  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act

    Education of all Handicapped Children Act
    This event allows students with any type of disability to receive their education while being surrounded with services that will benefit their needs. They also have the opportunity to interact with their peers. This has shaped K-12 learning because it's important for all individuals to have an equal learning environment. The interaction that takes place for both the disabled and other students will be hugely instrumental throughout their lives. It helps normalize differences.
    (Morgan, 2011)
  • Virtual Education

    Virtual Education
    Being able to attend school online is a fast growing education trend. Online learning allows individuals with busy schedules to continue their education in their own time and not commit to a certain schedule. This has helped shape K-12 learning tremendously. An example would be it allows students with long term sicknesses that keep them at home or in bed to keep working on their material without falling behind. Online learning can also allow students to move at their own pace.

    (Craft, 2018)
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This Act has hugely impacted K-12 learning. The Act protects many students. These students may be, but not limited to, the following categories: low-income, minorities, and disabilities. This act makes sure each student is being treated equally and receiving the necessary tools for their education no matter what their learning level or situation may be. No student shall be glossed over. Ever. Equal education and getting each student to where they need to be is what good educators do.