Education 222

Historical events that paved the road to current K-12 public education

  • Common Schools

    Common Schools
    The creation of common schools was the start of a tax-funded, no cost, education to provide standard education to all children. This historical event created the model for public education today. Such an event shaped the path for free education not dependent upon class, wealth, or heritage that is still abided by in modern-day public schools.
  • WWI

    WWI created standardized tests to acquire knowledge about an individual's general intellectual levels. In today's school's curriculum is tailored to teaching what is on the tests. Public schools are shaping students to inquire about what will be on a test and lacking to prepare individuals to enjoy the learning process.​
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    In 1954 the act of separate but equal became unconstitutional. This ruling created a continuous push for racial equality, shaping modern-day education. Such an event has integrated all individuals in today's public schools creating an equal playing field along with a greater area​ of competition.​
  • IDEA; Public Law 94-142

    IDEA; Public Law 94-142
    IDEA has shaped modern-day k-12 substantially by creating an equal playing field for kids with disabilities. Individualization and differentiated instruction have​ also drastically benefited today's public education as a result of this event.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    No child left behind was a federally enforced accountability system for public education, hoping to bridge the gaps between all different populations. In today's public education teacher's teach to those specific tests, scared of being penalized or losing their jobs. Public education has been shaped without instilling critical thinking in the students, an essential​ skill to have.