Legislation Timeline

  • Plessy v.Ferguson

    Plessy v.Ferguson
    In this case Louisiana passed a law where African Americans and whites had to sit in different trains or cars. Plessy was arrested for riding on the all whites car. The supreme courts decision was 7-1. They stated that there is no harm to African Americans for ridding in separate cars. This affected education because the kids will be separated to and it is not showing how to be equal with each other.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    The father of African American little girl Linda Brown tried to get her into the elementary school of while children. The principal refused to let her attend the school. All though they were saying it was "Separate but equal" it actually wasn't. Brown won the case schools were not segregated anymore. This affected education because African American and whites were not getting the same education. Also kids were seeing and also might of thought it was right to separate each other.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    This is a federal law that makes it illegal to discriminate a person because of their gender in a funded activity. So for example girls can join a boys football team. This affects students in a positive way because they can join school activities regardless the gender.
  • Education of all handicapped children act

    Education of all handicapped children act
    This act was for children with disabilities. This required the schools to provide an equal access of education to children with physical and mental disabilities also schools made a educational plan with the parents as well. This act ensured that students education was fair and appropriate.
  • Plyler v Doe

    Plyler v Doe
    In this case they were violating the 14th amendment. They were denying enrollment to children who were not "legally admitted" to the country. This affected education because all children should be able to get a good education. Being illegal or legal has nothing to do with getting a good education.