June 28, 1919 Germany and the Allied powers sign the Treaty of Versailles
January, 1920 League of Nations formed as a result of the paris peace Accords ending WWI
October, 1922 Benito Mussolini becomes Prime Minster of Italy
Benito Mussolini was a fascist dictator he founded the fascist party in 1919. Who ever did not agree with him went to jail. i think it is important because he sided with Hitler. -
January, 1924 Stalin becomes leader of Russia
Stalin was a dictator he stared the great purge. He was the leader of the Bolsheviks. he builds a Totalitarian state, seizes control of the Economy. he did not want people to practice religion. he believed that every one should be educated. every thing in the country was run by Stalin. Women gain rights. i think it is important because he mad Russia in to a industrial and political power. -
July, 1925 Hiltler's manifest,Mein Kampf, is publishrd
his book is important because it tells about him so people think they know how he is like. -
August, 1928 The Kellogg-Briand pact is signed in paris by the major powers of the world
it was a treaty arranged by Frank Kellog and Aristide Briand. it was important because it changed the world. -
October 29, 1929 The Great Depression begins with the wall street crash
people lost every thing and stock market crash. it cause a tole on the world. it was important because people had to wait in lines for food and some had no homes. some people had nothing at all. they did not have jobs. -
January 30, 1933 Nazi leader Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Paul Von Hindenburg
Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. It was important to me because he changed Germany. -
August 2, 1934 Upon the death of president Paul Von Hindenburg, Adolf Hitler make himself Fuhrer of Germany become Head of state as well as Chancellor
September 15, 1935 The Reichstag passes the Nuremberg Law, introducing antisemitism in German legislation
September 1, 1939 German invasion of Poland