K12 education system

Historical Events For K-12 Education

  • Free Public Schools- 1918

    Free Public Schools- 1918
    I selected this because I found huge important in the attendance of school. Public Schools can and do make a difference, even when the school population consists largely of students from color and poverty backgrounds. I thought it is great that all states have laws requiring mandatory school attendance for children through elementary school.
  • National School Lunch Act- 1946

    National School Lunch Act- 1946
    The reason why I chose School Lunch For All is because it is proven that childhood nutrition is so important to cognitive development. Also, not all families can afford school lunches for their children and it is essential that their children are fed and don't go hungry.
  • Brown V Board of Education- 1954

    Brown V Board of Education- 1954
    The importance that I find from this date was the decision that reversed Plessy V Ferguson, ruling that "separate but equal was inherently unequal" and outlawed segregation. The idea that everybody is equal is so important to me because children grow up in a well-educated world to be good citizens and cultural values.
  • Civil Rights Act- 1964

    Civil Rights Act- 1964
    I chose the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because it helped the struggle against poverty, racial prejudice, and unequal education. This was a monumental step in the right direction for our country.
  • No Child Left Behind- 2002

    No Child Left Behind- 2002
    No Child Left Behind Act is another step in the right direction, in my eyes, because it helped low-income students, minority students, students with disabilities, and students who had an English language barrier. Not everyone even to this day is the same but everyone should have the same opportunities.