
video timeline

By adams26
  • the begeining

    the begeining
    welll start with the first historical mark in video history
    which starts with the name thomas edison a greedy man for moeny
  • the kinetograph

    the kinectograph was invented by edison, but it was the only the
    prototype of the camera which had came out 10 or so years later
  • the cinomatograph

    a cinemotograph is a motion picture film camera, which also serves as a film projecter and printer. it was invented in the 1890s in 1892 leon bouly coined the word cinematograph from greek wording meaning writing in movement.
  • naudeville expanded

    the naudeville nation had expanded in the 1900s to the nickelodeons for entertainment purposes this led to selling tickets
    to get in to see the shows
  • the great train robery

    the great train robbery was a film that was mad in 1903 and it
    was written,produced , and filmed by edwin s. porter a former edwin studios cameraman from its title u could tell what it is about.
  • nickelodeons

    the nickelodeons are people who put on dramatical acts, comedy skits and thriller performed by 2 actors on a small stage, between the acts there are passing times
  • the bet

    some people didnt believed that a gallopng horse galloped on all
    fours from the ground it was a 25,000 dollar bet that started this
    it turned out that when they framed using the kenetograph the horse could