Historical Energy Events

  • Initial Light Source created

    Initial Light Source created
    The first electric light was made in 1800 by Humphry Davy, an English man who discovered that a carbon filament in an oxygen-free bulb glowed.
  • America's 1st steam locomotive

    America's 1st steam locomotive
    The railroad was a ready to test its first steam engine - an American-made .steam locomotive appropriately named the "Tom Thumb" invented by George Stephenson
  • First Electric Motor

    First Electric Motor
    The first direct current electric motor, which was used to turn machinery, was invented by William Sturgeon in 1832.
  • Nation started using Hydroelectric energy

    Nation started using Hydroelectric energy
    The World's First Hydroelectric Power Plant Began Operation September 30, 1882.
  • First Electric Stove

    First Electric Stove
    The first electric stove was invented in 1891 by an outfit called The Carpenter Heating and Manufacturing Company.
  • 1st Car sold in America

    1st Car sold in America
    *America's first gasoline-powered commercial car manufacturers were Charles and Frank Duryea. The brothers were bicycle makers.
  • Air Conditioning Invented

    Air Conditioning Invented
    In 1902, the first modern electrical air conditioning unit was invented by Willis Carrier who adopted the term AC and incorporated it into the name of his company.
  • Hoover Dam Opens

    Hoover Dam Opens
    1st accessible hydropower plant, that also has uses for shipping, and fish market.
  • 1st Solar Panel available for purchase

    1st Solar Panel available for purchase
    Solar panels were put up for sale, but never much looked at till the 1980's.
  • 1st Cellular Phone

    1st Cellular Phone
    Motorola was the first company to produce a handheld mobile phone. On April 3, 1973 Martin Cooper, a Motorola engineer and executive, made the first mobile.