Mar 1, 600
Thales Discovers Stataic Electricity
Thales is the first known person to record his findings about static electricity -
Jan 1, 1575
Coal Mining begins in Scottland
Sir George Bruce of Carnock opens a coal mine to extract coal from a moat pit -
First US Coal Mine
The first US coal mine is established by settlers on the James River near Richmond, VA. This led to expansions of mines near Maryland and West Virginia. -
Ben Franklin Discovers Lightning
Discovers lightning in 1746 then conducts many experiments in the summer of 1747 and publishes his work to a scientist in England. -
First Natural Gas Well Is constructed
William Hart dug the first successful natural gas well in the U.S. in Fredonia, New York. -
First Electric Motor
Michael Faraday creates the first electric motor from a magnet and voltic electricity -
First use of Natural Gas In The US for Brine Salt
The first industrial use of natural gas in the U.S. is recorded near Centerville, Pennsylvania, when gas is used to evaporate brine to make salt. -
Hoover Dam is opened
The Hoover Dam is constructed in 1931 and opened in 1936. This is the first major Dam built in the US. -
Worlds's First Nuclear Power Plant Opens
The world's first nuclear power plant becomes operational in Obninsk, outside of Moscow. -
First Modern Oil Well Is Drilled In Asia
The first modern oil well is drilled in Asia by Russian Engineer F.N. Semyenov.