First Demonstration of Solar Power
Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect which explains how electricity can be generated from sunlight -
First Hydropower Plant
16 brush-arc lamps were powered by hydropower at the Wolverine Chair Factory in Michigan -
First Wind Turbine
Invented by Charles F. Brush in Ohio -
First Hydroelectric Power
Created in Niagara Falls, designed by a mining engineer -
First Geothermal Power Plant
Made in Larderello, Italy by Prince Piero Ginori Conti. The first modern geothermal power plants were also built there -
First Solar Cell
Russell Ohl invents the first solar cell -
First Nuclear Plant
First Geothermal Power Plant (In the USA)
Made at the Geysers dry steam field in northern California. This is also home to the largest producing geothermal field in the world. -
Windpower Conference & Exhibition
All these people who have ideas for windpower and want to help the environment get together in Texas to share ideas and make the world a better place! -
First Biomass Plant
First demonstrated by Abengoa Bioenergía