
Historical Contibutions of Galileo

  • Period: Feb 14, 1564 to


  • Feb 15, 1564

    Galileo Galilei is born

    Galileo Galilei is born
    Galileo Galilei is born. He was born in Pisa, Italy. Galileo will grow up to become a famous astrologist
  • Jan 1, 1572

    Tycho Brahe

    Tycho Brahe
    Tycho Brahe observes a supernova, now known as the Tycho's Star
  • The First Compound Microscope

    The First Compound Microscope
    The microscope is invented by Hans Lippershey, Sacharias Jansen, and Hans Jenssen.
  • Viète and Pi

    Viète and Pi
    Viète represented Pi as an infinite number
  • Law of the Pendulum

    Law of the Pendulum
    Galileo studies the Law of the Pendulum. He notices that a pendulum will move at a constant speed. The pendulum was originally used as a time keeper.
  • Stars burning out

    Stars burning out
    Galileo witnesses a new star eventually burning out. This shows that the heavens were not perfect and that they did change. This did not go along with the church's beliefs.
  • The moon is rough

    The moon is rough
    Galileo sees that the moon is rough through a telescope. People thought the moon was smooth. They only thought that way by looking at the moon with a naked eye.
  • Jupiter's moons

    Jupiter's moons
    Galileo dicovers Jupiter's 4 moons. These are later called the Galilean Moons. When studying these, he thought they were stars but then noticed that they orbited around Jupiter.
  • Saturn's Rings

    Saturn's Rings
    Galileo is first to study Saturn's rings. He first thought they were "large moons" or handles. These rings disappeared 2 years later.
  • The Starry Messenger

    The Starry Messenger
    Galileo publishes "The Starry Messenger". This contained ilustrations of stars he observed. The title page was used as an advertisement.
  • Johannes Kepler and lenses

    Johannes Kepler and lenses
    Kepler states that microscopes and telescope can only use Convergent Lenses
  • William Harvey Blood Circulation

    William Harvey Blood Circulation
    William Harvey confirms that blood circulates through out the body
  • Hersey Charges

    Hersey Charges
    Galileo is charged of hersey. He is put on trial and put in house arrest. Galileo will not be able to study space anymore,
  • Loss of vision

    Loss of vision
    Galileo loses sight due to an infection. He could not get medical attention since he was under house arrest. Galileo could not look into space.
  • Death of Galileo

    Death of Galileo
    Galileo dies while under house arrest. He contradicted the church's beleifs and teachings. Galileo was a great astrologist
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Isaac Newton is born.