Period: Feb 14, 1564 to
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilei is born
Galileo Galilei is born. He was born in Pisa, Italy. Galileo will grow up to become a famous astrologist -
Jan 1, 1572
Tycho Brahe
Tycho Brahe observes a supernova, now known as the Tycho's Star -
The First Compound Microscope
The microscope is invented by Hans Lippershey, Sacharias Jansen, and Hans Jenssen. -
Viète and Pi
Viète represented Pi as an infinite number -
Law of the Pendulum
Galileo studies the Law of the Pendulum. He notices that a pendulum will move at a constant speed. The pendulum was originally used as a time keeper. -
Stars burning out
Galileo witnesses a new star eventually burning out. This shows that the heavens were not perfect and that they did change. This did not go along with the church's beliefs. -
The moon is rough
Galileo sees that the moon is rough through a telescope. People thought the moon was smooth. They only thought that way by looking at the moon with a naked eye. -
Jupiter's moons
Galileo dicovers Jupiter's 4 moons. These are later called the Galilean Moons. When studying these, he thought they were stars but then noticed that they orbited around Jupiter. -
Saturn's Rings
Galileo is first to study Saturn's rings. He first thought they were "large moons" or handles. These rings disappeared 2 years later. -
The Starry Messenger
Galileo publishes "The Starry Messenger". This contained ilustrations of stars he observed. The title page was used as an advertisement. -
Johannes Kepler and lenses
Kepler states that microscopes and telescope can only use Convergent Lenses -
William Harvey Blood Circulation
William Harvey confirms that blood circulates through out the body -
Hersey Charges
Galileo is charged of hersey. He is put on trial and put in house arrest. Galileo will not be able to study space anymore, -
Loss of vision
Galileo loses sight due to an infection. He could not get medical attention since he was under house arrest. Galileo could not look into space. -
Death of Galileo
Galileo dies while under house arrest. He contradicted the church's beleifs and teachings. Galileo was a great astrologist -
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton is born.