Johunn Basedow founded the Pilanthropinium
A school for boys located at Dessau, and focused on individual needs. Physical Activity played an important role in the daily program for all students. This relates to my field of study because I want to be a Physical Education teacher and at this school Physical Education was a main part of their day. -
Young Mans Christian Association was founded
With this group being founded it created the first YMCA.
This relates to my field of study because it provides a facility for people to engage in Physical Activity. -
The First YMCA was founded in the U.S.
The first YMCA opened in Boston, Massachusetts.
This relates to my field of study because it provided Americans with a facility to engage in Physical Activity. -
Diolesian Lewis developed The Lewis System of "Light"
He introduced this system to men, women and children. -
Lewis established the Normal Institute for Physical Education
Established in Boston, Massachusetts this institute to prepare Physical Education teachers.
This relates to my field of study because you need to do this to become a Physical Education teacher. -
The Complete Sweedish System of Gymnastics
This system was introduced in the United States and became very popular in the eastern sections.
This relates to my field of study because it teaches students about the gymnastics part of Physical Education. -
The First Modern Olympics
First Modern Olympics was held in Athens, Greece. This relates to my field of a study because it provides people a place to test how well their Physical Fitness may be. -
Hetherington Articulated the four objectives of Physical Education
Of these objectives are: Organic Development (Fitness), Psychomotor Development (Skill), Character Development (Social), and Intellectual Development (Mental).
These relate to my field of study because all of these objectives play a key role in Physical Education. -
National Association of Collegiate Basketball was founded
This relates to my field of study because basketball is a sport that can be learned at a young age, and taught by a Physical Education teacher. -
National Athletic Trainers Association was founded
This relates to my field of study because you can help people with injuries. -
First National Institute on Girls Sports was held
This relates to my field of study because it opened up more opportunities for girls in Physical Education. -
Title Nine was passed by Richard Nixon
gave rights to all men and women that was receiving federal funds from the government.
This relates to my field of study because it gave men and women the same opportunity in Physical Education. -
Rehabilitation Act
Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities.
This relates to my field of study because it gives a fair opportunity to kids or adults with disabilities in the world of Physical Education. -
Education of All Handicapped Children Act
Free and appropriate education to all handicapped kids from 3-21.
This relates to my field of study because it gives handicapped children the same rights to the education non handicapped children was getting. -
Olympic and Amatur Act
Affiliates Paralympics with United States Olympic Committee.
This relates to my field of study because it gave handicapped people the same opportunity to participate in the same Olympic events to test their Physical Fitness.