Historic Timeline

  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    1200 farmers headed to state arsenal to seize weapons and march on boston
    Militia defended the arsenal and general Benjamin Lincoln ended the Rebellion with reinforcements
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    Viva la Resistance
  • The Whiskey Tax

    Congress decided to put an excise tax on the production of whiskey
  • The USA Declared themselves neutral in the French Revolution

    The USA Declared themselves neutral in the French Revolution
    The United States of America Decided to declare themselves Neutral during the french revolution so that they shant interfere in the french civil war
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Some Farmers in Pennsylvania decided to rebel against the tax of the creation of whiskey
  • The Most Favored Nation Treaty

    This was a treaty between The USA and Great Britain which only allowed The US to trade with them instead of trading with any other country like france to pay off our debt, during this time congress also suspended all trade with france which led to the XYZ affair
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    John adams sent three representatives to france for trade but when they arrived the french tried to bribe them into disobeying the Most Favored nation Treaty and only trade with them after that went south they killed them and later when the news reached american soil it was frontpage on most news papers as the XYZ affair