Historic Moments from African Americans

By Roddres
  • Period: Jan 1, 1491 to

    Unit 1

  • Mar 6, 1500

    West African Slaves

    West African Slaves
    Since Native Indians that were used as slaves during the time were dying because of eureopean diseases. Africans from West Africa was used as a replacements in the colonies
  • Jan 1, 1518

    Traveling of Slaves

    Traveling of Slaves
    The first African Slaves brought from Africa to The West Indies before this slaves were brought from Europe
  • Period: to

    Unit 2

  • Virginia fugitive slave law

    Virginia fugitive slave law
    Any runaway slaves that were caught will be burned with a R and any free people who helped them would be fined in pounds of tobbaco
  • Gloucester County Rebellion

    Gloucester County Rebellion
    Black slaves planned a rebellion in this county but their plans were foiled by their masters and the leaders of the rebellion were hanged
  • Slave for Life

    Slave for Life
    Virginia created laws that took away all human rights from African Slaves could be sold, traded, and rented. Forced them into slavery for life
  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    In South Carolina a rebellion broke out with rebel slaves that 21 white men were killed and over 44 black slaves were killed. The slaves were trying to escaped to Flordia were the spanish would give them freedom
  • 1740 Negro Act

    1740 Negro Act
    After the Stono Rebellion many feared African cultures influenced the rebellion and they wanted to control the outnumbering of blacks to whites. So they restricted slavery passage to South Caronlia
  • Period: to

    Unit 3

  • African-Americans in War

    African-Americans in War
    George Washington reserves his policy of rejecting slaves and free blacks into to the war, over five-thousand black troops are enlisted into war
  • Taxation without representation

    Taxation without representation
    A boston businessman Paul Cuffe and his brother refused to pay taxes saying as blacks they dont have the right to vote so why should they have to pay taxes
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin as a way to lessen the need for slavery but instead provides a boost in cotton demand and slave demand to create that cotton
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    This law stated if a runaway slave would be captured, they would have to return to their masters and anyone who helped a fugtive slave will be punished
  • Period: to

    Unit 4

  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    In this famous battle led by General Andrew Jackson which American forces defeated the British out of 3,000 men 600 of them were African American
  • Underground Railroad

    Levi Coffin establishes a escape route for slaves in Indiana. That would eventually spread throughout the south to the north and Canada
  • The Compromise of 1820

    The Compromise of 1820
    This allows Missouri into the states as slaved and Maine as a free state. It set the boundary of free and slave states bewteen the 36th parallel
  • Nat Turner Rebelion

    Nat Turner Rebelion
    Nat Turner leads a slave rebellion in Virgina killing around 55 whites. This sparked fear into slave- owners about revolts from thier slaves
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott
    Dred Scott sued for his freedom but the U.S supreme cout said that he was considered property so no matter where he went he was still owned and proven the compromise of 1820 useless
  • Period: to

    Unit 5

  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    With the gold rush in California four thousand African Americans would migrate here during this rush
  • Harriett Tubman

    Harriett Tubman
    After escaping from slavery in 1849 she devoted the rest of her life rescuing fellow slaves and spreading her ideas of freedom throughout the country
  • Compromise of 1850

    California enters the union as a free state but other newley aqurie territories of New Mexico and Utah decided if they will be free or state. This also allowed for more strictly enforce of the Fugitive Slave Law
  • A new President

    A new President
    On this day Abraham Lincoln is elected president and the country knows when he is elected the downfall of slavery is now verge and this upseted the southren countries
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln's speech saying that all states underneath the union are now free and this speech saw a growrth in the union army in terms of black soliders
  • Freedmen's Bureau

    Freedmen's Bureau
    This progam made by congress provided health care, education, and assitance to ex-slaves
  • Civil War Help

    Civil War Help
    The Civil War had nearly 200,000 blacks mostly just freed serve in the Union during the war and over 20,000 died in war
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    With the law being approved it instantly outlawed slavery throughout the Untied States
  • Period: to

    Unit 6

  • Tuskgee Institute

    Booker T. Washington opens tuskgee institute in Central Alabama
  • Jim Crow

    In southren states these laws were enforced to keep the tradition of the sepration of races even though slavery was outlawed it still gave the presence of it
  • W.E.B Du Bois

    First African-American to receive a Ph.D from Havard
  • ATL Compromise

    Booker T. Washinton delivers his famous address at the Atlanta Cotton States Exposition . Saying the negro probelm will ne solved by gradualism in the black community
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    U.S Supreme Court rules that southern segregation laws and practices as long as their sepreate but equal
  • Period: to

    Unit 7

  • Grandfather Clause

    Only males with grandfather with January 1, 1867, are automically other african americans would had to go through diffrent ways
  • Back To Africa Movement

    Is created on July 11 by African American intellectuals and activists, led by W.E.B. Du Bois and William Monroe Trotter
  • Great Migration

    Many African Americans traveled to eastern parts of America to escape the racism of the south and better opportunities for life
  • Silent March

    NACP put together a march of 10,000 people silently walking on Manhattan Fifth avenue protesting lynching and unfair rights towards blacks
  • New Culture

    In the 1900s the Harlem Renaissance movement for black people developed new styles of music with jazz and poetry expressing the way they felt about their lives and trials
  • Black Military

    The U.S. Army creates the Tuskegee Air Squadron who will soon be known as the Tuskegee Airmen
  • Period: to

    Unit 8

  • Travel Sepreation

    The U.S. Supreme Court in Morgan v. Virginia rules that segregation in interstate bus travel is unconstitutional and segregation must stop
  • Hitting a Home run

    Jackie Robinson of the Brooklyn Dodgers becomes the first African American to play major league baseball in history
  • Desegration in Miltary

    President Harry Truman issues Executive Order 9981 directing the desegregation of all armed forces in the Untied Stas
  • Change in Schools

    The case of Brown v. Board of Education declares segregation in all public schools in the United States unconstitutional, nullifying the earlier judicial doctrine of separate but equal.
  • Tired

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her bus seat to a white man on December 1, initiating the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Soon afterwards Dr. Martin Luther King becomes the leader of the Boycott.
  • Voting Secured

    The Civil Rights Act of 1960 is signed into law by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on May 6. The law would protect African-American voting rights
  • Freedom Rides

    On May 4, seven blacks students and four whites students leave Washington, D.C., for the Deep South on the first Freedom Ride for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE).
  • I have a dream

    Over 200,000 people gather in Washington, D.C. on August 28 as part of the March on Washington, an unprecedented demonstration demanding civil rights and equal opportunity for African Americans. Dr. Martin Luther King delivers his "I Have a Dream" speech here
  • Period: to

    Peroid 9

  • MLK Day

    The first national Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday is celebrated. -