Historic Events in devloping the EVS

  • 10,000 BCE

    Neolithic Agricultural Revolution

    Neolithic Agricultural Revolution
    The first ever environment movement happened in the human history. The humans settled to become farmers instead of nomadic hunter- gathers. local resources were managed sustainably from around the settlement.
  • Industrial Revolution In Europe in the 1800's

    Industrial Revolution In Europe in the 1800's
    People wanted to develop further which led to an industrial revolution in Europe which caused in an Increase in urbanisation, resource usage and pollution. at that time people has a technocentric approach
  • Green Revolution of 1940's and 1960's

    Green Revolution of 1940's and 1960's
    Due to food shortages around the world because of various economics events, People combined technology and agriculture together by mechanising agriculture which boosted food production massively. But at the same time it required the building of machinery and burning of enormous amounts of fossil fuels such as oil. As a result of the revolution, new crop varieties were developed and fertilised and pesticide use rose sharply due to which the world population grew to about 3 billion.
  • The Silent Spring

    The Silent Spring
    Rachel Carson published 'Silent Spring' which created a major impact and awareness among the people about dangers of chemicals toxins such as DDT's affecting humans, which even led to banning of DDT pesticide.
  • Minamata Disaster

    Minamata Disaster
    After the disaster, it was came to known that the toxins and the chemicals have the ability to enter into the higher trophic levels of the food chain of various organisms including even humans. After these we could see in reduction of usage of pesticides and fertilisers and following a more organic way
  • First Earth Summit- UN conference on the Human Environment

    First Earth Summit- UN conference on the Human Environment
    1) Declaration of UN conference
    2) Action plan for the Human Environment rolled out
    3) Environment Fund Established
    4) Formation of UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
    5) Earth Summits planned at ten-year intervals
  • Bhopal Gas Tragedy and Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster- 1984/1986

    Bhopal Gas Tragedy and Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster- 1984/1986
    Bhopal Gas tragedy was the worlds worst industrial disaster and as well the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster which cause a great impact on environment and as well on the environment value systems of the people.
  • Rio Earth Summit and Kyoto Protocol

    Rio Earth Summit and Kyoto Protocol
    Agreement was made to reduce carbon (CO2) emissions to counter enhanced greenhouse effect and global warming.
    Agenda 21 was even signed.
  • UN Bali Meeting Dec 07

    UN Bali Meeting Dec 07
    187 countries met and agreed to open negotiations on an international climate change Deal