Historian '12 Civil War

  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    On Apr. 12, 1861 the Confederates opened fire upon Fort Sumter - the Federal Fort in Charleston Harbor. The men deffending Fort Sumter surrendered 34 hours later. Union troops tried for approximately 4 years to take it back.
  • Bull Run #1

    Bull Run #1
    Union Gen. McDowell lead 30,000 men against the Confederate Gen. Johnston who had 22,000 troops. This was an attempt to destroy the rebels and go "On to Richmond". The Confederates defeat the Union. The Union flees back to Washington. Gen. McDowell is replaced by Gen. McClellan.
  • Fredericksburg

    The Union's Gen. Burnside attacked the Confederate's Gen. Lee attacks Lee's position and suffers a terrible loss of 10,000 men to Lee's loss of 5,000 men.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    After a long battle, Gen. Vixksburg with the Confederates surrenders to Gen. Grant. All of the Mississippi River is now under Union control.
  • Chancellorsville

    Gen. Hooker of the Union is defeated by gen. Lee of the Confederacy, plus Andrew Jackson is mistankenly shot and killed by his own men!
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Over 165,000 soldiers partake in the largest abttle to take place in the Western Hemisphere. After 3 days of battle Gen. Lee of the Confederacy retreats, abandoning 4,000 dead Confederates/injured Confederate soldiers. Casualties of the war - Union - 23,000 Confederates - 28,000
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Battle of Chattanooga
    Backed up by troops from the East - Gen. Ulysses S. Grant moves back the Southern forces & is able to prepare for an attack on Atlanta and the heart of the Confederacy.
  • Grant Promoted to Lt. General - Given Command of all Union Troops

    Grant Promoted to Lt. General - Given Command of all Union Troops
    Grant is preparing for an assault on Richmond. Abraham Licoln's Cabinet informs him that Ge. Grant is a drunk & that he should be replaced. In Gen. Grant's defense Licoln says that he would rather not be notified of Gen. Grant's plans and to leave him be.
  • Atlanta to Savannah

    Atlanta to Savannah
    Gen. Sherman gives everything he's got to Atlanta destroying it entirely - then sending troops on a 300 mile march in which they will destroy everything in their path until they reach the sea. Because of the destruction - railroads are massacred, crops are burnt up, & buildings are destroyed in order to break the heart of the South.
  • Treaty of Appomattox

    Treaty of Appomattox
    Gen. Lee refuses to see his troops suffer any longer - He surrenders to Gen. Grant - Southern troops surrender willingly.