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General theory of the system

  • TGS 1920

    It originated in biology in order to explain the interrelationships of organisms
  • Alfred J.Lotka - Vito Volterra

    Alfred J.Lotka - Vito Volterra
    Approached the concept of a system that measures graphically or numerically between a predator species and a prey species.
  • Ludwig Von Bertalanffy

    Ludwig Von Bertalanffy
    Bertalanffy says that systems exist within systems, the systems are open and the functions of this system depend on its structure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCm24yPH4Eo
  • Talcott Parsons

    Talcott Parsons
    From society as a social system.
  • Ludwig Von Bertalanffy

    Ludwig Von Bertalanffy
    Theory of the mathematics of communication, this theory proposes a model consisting of a source of information, transmitter, signal, receiver and a destination whose objective is to deliver a message.
  • William Ross Ashby

    William Ross Ashby
    Life and nature as that of a complex system also made a contribution to cybernetics with the creation of the homeostat.
  • John Von Neumann

    John Von Neumann
    Start the dynamic system of artificial systems as emulators or imitators.
  • Norbert Wiener

    Norbert Wiener
    Considered the father of cybernetics. Implementation of cybernetics to biological and social fields teaching is based on the creative emulsion of articulated dolls.
  • Jay Forrester

    Jay Forrester
    He is considered the father of system dynamics, a discipline that deals with the simulation of interactions between objects. That is applied most frequently to research and consulting in organizations and other social systems.
    he was the author of the first synthetic image.
  • Kenneth Boulding

    Kenneth Boulding
    Author of "General side of the systems and the scientific structure" and outline of the classifications of the systems:
    1. Static Structure
    2. Simple Dynamic Systems
    3.Cybernetic or balance
    4. Self-reproduction structure
    5. Associative genetic or plant level
    6. Animal world
    7. Humans
    8. Social organizations
    9. Transcendent systems
  • Charles West Churchman

    Charles West Churchman
    It represents one of the most logical expositions regarding the aspects of a System as a whole.
    For Churchman, the objectives of a system are those goals or general purposes that are the reason for its existence, that is, the reasons for which they constantly fight. From this derives one of the fundamental characteristics or properties of any system: teleology or the pursuit of objectives.
  • Humberto Maturana

    Humberto Maturana
    Los sistemas que representa una red de procesos u operaciones que pueden crear o destruir elementos del mismo sistema .
  • Rene Thom

    Rene Thom
    Represents the propensity of structurally stable systems to manifest discontinuity.
  • David Ruelle y James  A Yorke

    They describe the history of chaos, which consists of a nonlinear mathematical model that describes the division, attraction, and chaotic movements.
  • Peter Senge

    Peter Senge
    You talk about systemic thinking and refer to this as a discipline for all
  • Stuar Alana Kaffuman

    Stuar Alana Kaffuman
    He proposed the complex adaptive system, a science that describes the emergence, adaptation, and self-organization of systems.