• 100

    Epitaph of Sicylo

    Epitaph of Sicylo
    The Epitaph of Sicylo is the oldest complete musical composition extant today. Although the Hurrian Songs of Ancient Mesopotamia are older, they are fragments rather than complete compositions. The epitaph probably dates from the 1st or 2nd century AD, and is part of a Greek inscription written on a marble column above the tomb that Syzicles had built for his wife Euterpe.
  • Period: 476 to 1492

    Middle Age

    The Middle Age is the period between the fall of the Roman Empire of occident (476) to the America discover(1492).
  • 680

    Gregorian chant

    Gregorian chant
    Gregorian chant was the liturgical chant of the Church of Rome, influenced by Gallican chant in the second half of the 8th century, whose spread throughout the West took place at the same time as that of the Latin rite itself, of which it was the acoustic expression.
  • Period: 1170 to 1310

    Ars antiqua

    Music of Europe from the late Middle Ages, covering the period of the Notre Dame School of polyphony and the next years.
  • 1200


    He was a medieval French composer. He is considered the most important composer of the School of Notre Dame de Paris, where the polyphonic style began to develop.
  • Period: 1400 to 1500

    Ars nova

    Expression due to the theorist Philippe de Vitry that designates the musical production, both French and Italian, after the last works of the ars antiqua, which would occupy the first place in the musical panorama of the West in the 15th century.