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  • Steam locomotives

    Steam locomotives
    A steam locomotive is a machine that, by burning a fuel (coal, fuel oil, wood, biomass, etc.) in a boiler, heats water, the steam resulting from the boiling of this generates pressure and moves pistons that drive the wheels.
    In 1814 the Stockton-Darlington Railroad was inaugurated, which was the first to provide public freight service with steam locomotives.
    The first line considered "modern" was the Manchester-Liverpool line opened in 1830.
  • Anesthesia

    It is a controlled medical act in which drugs are used to block the tactile and painful sensitivity of a patient, whether in all or part of her body and whether with or without commitment of conscience.
    General anesthesia is characterized by providing muscle relaxation and the abolition of reflexes.
    James Simpson and his partner Dunkan practiced the first painless delivery using chloroform, her mother was so grateful that she called her daughter "Anesthesia".
  • Phone

    It is a telecommunication device designed to transmit acoustic signals at a distance by means of electrical signals, it was invented by Antonio Meucci.
    On June 11, 2002, the Official Gazette of the United States House of Representatives published Resolution No. 269, honoring the life and work of the Italian inventor. In it it is recognized that it was Antonio Meucci instead of Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone.
  • Margarine

    Margarine is a generic term for different types of fats used to replace butter.
    In the 1860s, Emperor Napoleon III of France offered a reward to anyone who could make a substitute for butter, for the lower social classes and the armed forces. Margarine production took on real importance during World War II , especially in Germany, as a substitute for butter and a source of lipids. Later, margarine became a global business.
  • Dirigible

    Aerostatic lift is achieved by means of tanks filled with a gas of lower density in the surrounding atmosphere, generally hydrogen, but modernly helium because it is a non-flammable gas, although a little less light.
    It was the first flying artifact capable of being controlled in long-duration flight.
  • Coca Cola

    Coca Cola
    It is a fizzy and refreshing drink sold worldwide, of American origin.
    John Stith Pemberton began the marketing of a syrup designed to combat digestion problems that also provide energy. During the early days, it sold about nine glasses each day, at a price of 5 cents a glass.
    It didn't take long for Pemberton to realize that the drink he had created could be a success.
  • Plane

    It is a fixed-wing aerodynamic, or aircraft with greater density than air, equipped with wings and a cargo space, and capable of flying powered by one or more engines and have been used for the transport of troops during World War II.
    The first airplane itself was created by Clément Ader, on October 9, 1890 he managed to take off and fly 50 m with his Éole.The Éole flight was the first self-propelled flight in the history of mankind.
  • Cinematograph

    It is a machine, the work of the Lumière brothers, capable of filming and projecting moving images, it was the first machine capable of shooting and projecting motion pictures. The cinematograph was an important step towards enjoying the art of cinema. December 28 In 1895 the first public exhibition of the Lumière cinematograph took place at the Indien Salon of the Grand Café.
  • Radio

    It is a means of communication that is based on sending audio signals through radio waves. In the 1950s radio technology underwent a large number of improvements that resulted in the generalization of the use of the transistor.
    In the 1990s, new digital technologies began to be applied to the world of radio. Sound quality increases and satellite radio is being tested, this technology enables a resurgence in interest in radio.
  • Aspirin

    It is used as a medicine to treat pain, fever, and inflammation due to its non-selective inhibitory effect on cyclooxygenase. It is also used to treat specific inflammations such as Kawasaki disease, pericarditis or rheumatic fever.
    During the Middle Ages, willow bark was boiled and given to drink by people suffering from ailments. Acetylsalicylic acid was first synthesized by the French chemist Charles Frédéric Gerhardt in 1853, wanting to improve the bitter taste.