• First steam engine

  • Industrial revolution

    The industrial was a fundamental change in the way goodswere produced, from human labor to machines that started in England
  • Steam engine improved by James watt

  • France was in bankrupt

  • Period: to

    France suffered very bad harbests

    Because of the bad weather, heavy rain, to cold winters and very hot summers
  • French revolution

    The French people revolted against their absolutist, monarch government.
  • Period: to

    The "National assembly" takes the power.

    They establish a constitutional monarchy, they abolish the feudalism and make the "Declaration of the rights of man and citizen".
  • Period: to

    The "Legislative assembly" takes the power

    Constitutional monarchy undermined, Mob forced the king to flee to safety of the Legislative Assembl and war declared against Austria and Prussia.
  • France declared a Republic

  • Period: to

    The First republic and the convention.

    France ruled by the "committe of public safety", radicals such as Jacobins overcame moderates such as Girondines and and start "the terror" by executing the enemies of the regime. Among the executed it was Robespierre.
  • Period: to

    First coalition war

  • Period: to

    The "Directory" takes the power

    There were 5 directors rules as executive, Coups d'état attempted by radical and conservative forces
  • Period: to

    War of the Second Coalition

  • Napoleon overthrew the goverment

    In a coup d'état.
  • Napoleon gets coronated.

  • Period: to

    War of the Third Coalition

  • Period: to

    War of the Fourth Coalition

    (October 1806 – July 1807)
  • War of the Fifth Coalition

    (April – October 1809)
  • Napoleon’s Russian campaign

    Napoleon attackes Russia but fails because of the extreme weather and lack of supplies
  • Greece independence

    Greece successfully gained independence from the Ottoman Empire.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte dies

  • Liberals became conservative

    and only rich people could vote
  • Belgium's revolution was successful

  • Polish rebellion crushed

    By Tzar Nicholas of Russia and he began a russification campaign.
  • First presidential elections in France

    Napoleon II won and claim himself emperor of france.
  • Italian unification

  • Industrialization of Japan

    In Japan a new government called the Meiji government is created and they want to industrialize Japan and introduce western culture.
  • Unification of Germany

    Otto Von Bismarck successfuly unifies the German speaking states into a single rule Germany.
  • The dual alliance

    Germany an Austria made an alliance to protect themselves from Russia.
  • Astro-Serbian alliance

    Austria made an alliance with servia to avoid Russia from taking control over Serbia.
  • The triple alliance

    Austria and Germany made an alliance with Italy to stop Italy from taking sides with Russia.
  • Period: to

    The Berlin conference

    Portugal asks chancellor Otto Von Bismark to gather all western powers to negotiate the control over Africa and put some rules.
  • Franco-Russian alliance

    Russia made an alliance with France to protect themselves against Germany and Austria
  • Entente cordiale

    An agreement between France and Britain.
  • The Moroccan crisis

    Morocco had been given to France by Britain but Moroccans wanted independence and Germany supported them.
  • Anglo-Russian Entente

    An agreement between Britain and Russia
  • Triple Entente

    An agreement between Russia, France and Britain to counter the threat of Germany.
  • The Bosnian crisis

    Austria took Bosnia and the Serbians how thought that province should be theirs got mad and mobilized it’s troops.
    War was avoided but tension was created between Austria and Serbia.
  • The steam engine is improved James Newcomen

  • No separate peace

    The countries in the triple Entente agreed to not sign peace separately.
  • Asasination of Franz Ferdinand

    The Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand was assasinated in Sarajevo Austria.
    This event triggered WWI.
  • Period: to

    First World War

    6 European countries enter in a war against themselves.
  • Traty of Versailles

    The winners of World War One got together in the palace of Versailles to discuss what was going to happen to the losers.
    The big three were representatives from France, USA and the UK. And they decided that Germany had to:
    Agree that the war was all his fault.
    Pay for reparations (6600 million pounds).
    Give up territory.
    Reduce their army to 100K soldiers.
  • Italy turns fascist

  • Economical crisis in Germany

    Germany entered on a period of hyperinflation and money got useless
  • Hitler rises to power

    Hitler joined the 'German worker party' and became the leader. He changed the name of the party to the NAZI party and quickly gained popularity among the people.
    In 1923 Hitler is arrested
    In 1932 the NAZls win the elections but Hitler is denied chancellorship by the president.
    In1933 Hitler demands new elections and when he wins the majority he starts to change some laws to give him more power. Later that year the president dies and Hitler becomes The new president/chancellor.
  • Hitler withdraws Germany from the League of Nations

  • Period: to

    The Holocaust

    Under the NAZI ideology the government initiated the capture, right removal and killing of millions of Jews
  • Hitler openly builds up the military

  • Italy invades Ethiopia

  • Sumer Olimpics in Berlin

    Hitler uses this event to show the world how powerful Germany was.
  • Japan invades China

  • The Munich agreement is signed

    An agreement where Germany is given a part of Checoslovaquia in exchange for Hitler’s promise not to take more demands.
  • Hitler invades Poland

    WWII begins
  • Period: to


  • Hitler attacks Western Europe

  • Dunkirk evacuated

  • France fell

  • Germany invades the USSR

  • Japan invades Pearl Harbor

  • The allies liberate rome

  • Mussolini is hung

  • Hitler commits suicide