Histoire Britannique 1534-1801

By wbxhcy
  • Period: 1485 to 1509

    Henry the VII (Henry Tudor)

    He is the first Tudor, he led the War of Roses (1455-1485) and took control the South of England. He unified the House of York and the House of Lancaster by marrying Richard the III's niece.
  • Period: 1509 to 1547

    Henry the VIII

    He become King by marrying Katherine of Aragon (from Spain). He was for the Catholic faith until when he became Head of the Church by the Act of Supremacy in 1534. With this Reformation, he managed to divorce Katherine of Aragon and had 6 other marriage later on. His first male heir was given by his third wife Jane Seymour.
  • 1534

    The Treason Act

    The Treason Act
    It's a death punishment made up for those who are against the Act of Supremacy.
    E.g: Thomas More was executed by that act.
  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy

    Act of Supremacy
    This act was established by Henry the VIII for the purpose of making him Head of the Church. In this case, he would be controlling political power along with religious power of the country.
  • 1536

    Act of Union in England

    Act of Union in England
    The territories of the Wales annexed by the England Crown under Henry the VIII. It is now the Kingdom of England with the Wales included.
  • Period: 1544 to 1551

    'Rough Wooing' in Scotland

    It is the war(s) between Scotland and England started from Henry the VIII until the succession of Edward the VI. All begun with the England breaking up with Rome, while Scotland was close to France, and to prevent an alliance, England decided to attack Scotland.
  • Period: 1547 to 1553

    Edward the VI

    The son of Henry the VIII and Jane Seymour (the third wife), he is a protestant King. (calvinism) He needed to deal with war in Scotland (Rough Wooing), his monarch was weak due to enclosure. He wasn't able to stabilize England and his people.
  • Period: 1553 to 1558

    Mary the Ist

    Also named "Bloody Mary", she is the daughter of Catherine of Aragon (Henry the VIII's first wife) but was regarded as an illegitimate heir. She is catholic, therefore she burnt people who are against the return of Catholics worship. (the name Bloody Mary came from here) She married Philippe the II who was King of Spain, to remain relationship in Europe. But it was unpopular and people attempt a coup on her.
  • Period: 1558 to

    Elizabeth the Ist

    She is the daughter of Anne Boleyn (Henry the VIII's second wife), she is educated as a protestant. Compared to Edward and Mary, her reign was much efficient to stabilize England. Nonetheless she still has a lot of challenge to confront. She established many compromises in terms of international relation and religious causes.
  • Spanish invasion by the 'invincible Armada'

    Spanish invasion by the 'invincible Armada'
  • Period: to

    'Nine Year War' / Tyrone's Rebellion

  • Period: to

    James the VI and Ist

  • Guy Fawkes & the Gunpowder Plot

    Guy Fawkes & the Gunpowder Plot
  • Period: to

    Charles the Ist

  • Execution of Charles Ist

    Execution of Charles Ist
  • Abolition of the monarchy

  • Glorious revolution (Bloodless Revolution)

    Glorious revolution (Bloodless Revolution)
  • Act of Union in Scotland

    Act of Union in Scotland
  • Act of Union in Ireland

    Act of Union in Ireland