HIST2113 1800-1876

  • The election of 1800

    The election resulted in a bitter loss for John Adams. Thomas Jefferson became the United States' third President.
  • Gabriel's Plan to End Slavery

    Gabriel, an enslaved man in Virginia planned to end slavery by rioting and capturing the Virginia Governor. Governor Monroe was able to stop the attacks. Gabriel was arrested and executed along with 25 others.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Ruled that the Supreme Court reserved the right to decide whether an act of Congress violated the Constitution
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson authorized the acquisition of Louisiana from France
  • Embargo Act of 1807

    Closed American ports to trade.
  • British Attack on USS Chesapeake

  • Atlantic Slave Trade Outlawed

  • Thomas Jefferson Retires from Presidency

  • James Madison Becomes President

  • War of 1812

    War of 1812 was caused by the US desire to be a neutral trading nation, the US clashing with Britain, and British impressments on U.S. Sailors.
  • The New Orleans Arrived in New Orleans

    a 371-ton ship was the first steamboat to navigate the internal waterways of the North American continent from one end to the other and remain capable of returning home.
  • Grievances

    President Madison drafted a list of grievances with Great Britain and asked congress for a declaration of war. The Declaration of War was signed on June 18
  • Federalist Meeting

    Federalists met in Hartford, CT to curb the power of the republican party
  • Treaty of Ghent

    returned relations between the United States and Britain to their prewar status
  • The Last Federalist Run for Presidency

    Rufus King was the last Federalist to run president. He lost to James Monroe.
  • James Monroe becomes President

  • Period: to

    First Seminole War

  • Invasion of Spanish-owned Florida

    Andrew Jackson as commander of the U.S. southern military district launched an invasion of Spanish-Owned Florida. They occupied Pensacola, arrested two British men, and executed them.
  • Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819

    This treaty between the US and Spain gave the US Florida
  • Civilization Fund Act

    This act offered $10,000 annually to be allocated toward societies that funded missionaries to establish schools among Native American tribes.
  • Missouri Compromise

    In order for the US to agree to make Missouri a state, there were the following conditions: Congress would admit Missouri as a slave state, but they would also admit Maine as a free state, keeping the balance between free and slave states. They also divided the Louisiana Purchase Territory into free and slave states.
  • The Monroe Doctrine

    Declared that the US considered its entire hemisphere off-limits to new European colonization
  • Erie Canal

    The Erie Canal is a 350-mile long waterway connecting the Great Lakes, the Hudson River, and the Atlantic Ocean
  • John Quincy Adams becomes President

  • B&O's First Railroad

    The first long-distance rail line launched from Maryland by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company
  • Andrew Jackson Becomes President

  • Indian Removal Act

    granting the president authority to begin treaty negotiations that would give Native Americans land in the West in exchange for their lands east of the Mississippi
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner and six collaborators attempted to free the region’s enslaved population. Tuner killed his enslaver with an ax blow to the head. Turner and what ended up being about 50 men, killed fifty-seven white men, women, and children on eleven farms
  • Black Hawk War

  • Disestablishment

    The states quit supporting an official religious denomination
  • Jackson's War on the Bank

    Andrew Jackson directed his cabinet to stop depositing federal funds in the US Bank.
  • Treaty of New Echota

    the treaty ceded lands in Georgia for $5 million
  • Period: to

    Second Seminole War

  • Specie Circular

    required payment in hard currency for all federal land purchases
  • Martin Van Buren becomes president

  • Runs on banks began

    panicked customers scrambled to exchange their banknotes for hard currency
  • Trail of Tears

    the federal government drove Native Americans from their land on a more than 12,000 mile journey. It is estimated that more than 5,000 Cherokee died as a result of the journey.
  • Political Abolitionists formed the Liberty Party

  • General Anti-Slavery Convention of 1840

    five hundred abolitionists who met together in England to work toward ending slavery
  • William Henry Harrison

  • John Tyler Becomes President

    After the passing of William Henry Harrison, John Tyler takes over as President
  • Telegraphy

    Samuel Morse persuaded Congress to fund 40-mile telegraphy from D.C. to Baltimore
  • James K. Polk becomes President

  • Texas becomes the 28th state

  • Seneca Falls Convention

  • Zachary Taylor becomes President

  • Millard Fillmore becomes President

  • Franklin Pierce becomes President

  • James Buchanan becomes President

  • Abraham Lincoln Becomes President

  • Andrew Johnson becomes President

  • Ulysses S. Grant becomes President