HIST152 Final Timeline Project

  • Passage of the Thirteenth Amendment

    Passage of the Thirteenth Amendment
    The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the entirety of the US and created the legal pathway to establishing the 14th and 15th Amendments
  • Assassination of Lincoln

    Assassination of Lincoln
    The assassination of Lincoln ended all hopes for his plan on how to re-integrate the South into the U.S. and made Republicans become more furious with the South in response
  • Reconstruction Act of 1867

    Reconstruction Act of 1867
    The law outline how legally the Southern States would be reintegrated into the US, but in the interim they were to all be occupied by soldiers and rights of freedmen were to protected.
  • Credit Mobilier Scandal

    Credit Mobilier Scandal
    The scandal involved various US politicians and businessmen with the misuse of funds allocated for the construction of railroads and it brought nationwide attention to the corruption of US politicians
  • Election of 1876 and the end of Reconstruction

    Election of 1876 and the end of Reconstruction
    The election between candidates Hayes and Tilden was so close that Congress had to decide who was the victor and they compromised for Hayes to be the victor but only in the terms that Northern troops would leave the South which virtually ended all federal enforcement of the laws during Reconstruction
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    This was a originally a civil demonstration in protest of poor working conditions and long hours suffered by industrial workers which turned into a massacre when a bomb went off killing police officers
  • The Gospel of Wealth Publication

    The Gospel of Wealth Publication
    This was a book written by an extremely wealthy businessman Andrew Carnegie that advocated for philanthropy and that the rich should redistribute funds to the less fortunate the way they best see fit.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    A nationwide strike and boycott began in response to the reduction of salaries experienced at the Pullman Car Company by workers when their company rents and food supplies remained the same and it involved the use of federal troops to scatter strikers and force them to return to work which hurt the labor movement
  • Plessy vs Ferguson Verdict

    Plessy vs Ferguson Verdict
    The U.S. Supreme Court upheld through this judgement the widespread Jim Crow laws of the South which led to segregation
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    The war was a hallmark of American Imperialism and yellow journalism that sensationalized the news and current events
  • Northern Securities Case

    Northern Securities Case
    This was a legal anti-trust busting case against railroad companies that had formed a monopoly and it began the disillusionment of many of these monopolies in this industry
  • Pure Food and Drug Act and Creation of the FDA

    Pure Food and Drug Act and Creation of the FDA
    This law prohibited the sale of misbranded food and drugs and gave the FDA the power to ensure the safety of the US public when it came to food, drugs and cosmetics when it came to US manufacturers
  • Standard Oil Case

    Standard Oil Case
    This was a legal anti-trust busting case against Standard Oil owned by John D Rockefeller the richest man in the world and it was the high mark of anti trust cases of the progressive movement
  • Foundation of the Children's Bureau

    Foundation of the Children's Bureau
    The establishment of the Bureau ensured for the protection of child labor laws and for the welfare of all children
  • The US Enters WW1

    The US Enters WW1
    This was a giant shift in the amount of power the US federal government has over not only war mobilization but also its forceful changes to industries and curtailing of civil rights
  • Passage of the Nineteenth Amendment

    Passage of the Nineteenth Amendment
    This amendment allowed for women who are US citizens the right to vote in elections
  • Beginning of The Great Depression

    Beginning of The Great Depression
    The stock market crash and ensuing bank rushes tanked the US economy spreading across the world which created a never before seen economic downturn in the standard of living for everyone
  • Establishment of the SEC

    Establishment of the SEC
    The securities and exchange commission regulates the trading of stock and established regulations in order to avoid speculative trading that led to the The Great Depression
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    This law created the social security program which protected the benefits of retirees and protection against unemployment
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    This outlawed the discrimination of people based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin