Jan 1, 1501
Spanish slave imports
Spanish settlers brought slaves to the new world -
Jan 1, 1513
Ponce de leon
ponce de leon brings free africans and san miguel de gualdape to accompany him exploring la florida -
Jan 1, 1526
First enslaved africans brought to north america
brought by lucas vasquez de allon expedition, established san miguel in georgia -
Dec 16, 1528
Settling Tampa Bay
Dec 16, 1536
surviving on the gulf coast
four survivors of the doomed tampa bay settlement survive on the gulf coast for 8 years. -
Dec 16, 1539
Hernando de soto
Hernando de soto explores florida and much of the southeastern united states with the aid of free and enslaved africans. -
Dec 16, 1565
St Augustine
The oldest permanent city in the united states established by spain. home to more than 600 people -
Freedom granted to runaways
the spanish government in florida grants freedom to all runaway slaves from english colonies to the north if the slaves convert to roman catholicism. -
slave escape
Hundreds of slaves escape from the english colonies to florida as a result of the spanish promise. -
fransisco menendez
francisco menendez helped defend florida from britan in exchange for freedom. -
fort morse captured
english invaders capture fort morse; blacks and spaniards recapture it. -
Trading florida
spain trades florida to great britan in exchange for havanna cuba, which spain had lost during the seven year's war.